Big-ass survey

Jul 21, 2004 21:40

What is your name?: Ees
Are you named after anyone?: Nope.
What's your screename?: I have alot of them :) zuri_dira is a common one, though.

Would you name a child of yours after you?: Hell no.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Joe Jr. I'm ashamed to say that.
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Hmm... Either Mercedes or Zarah.
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: People always call me "Elsie Bredjla." It's kind of a joke in my circle now.
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: I'd definitely take a stage name.
Your gender:: Two x chromosomes, thankyouverymuch.
Straight/Gay/Bi:: Yay for bi girls!
Single?: Nope.
If not, do you want to be?: Absolutely not! I lurve my foxthing.
Birthdate:: March 25, 1986
Your age:: 18
Age you act:: Depends on the situation. I'm fully capable of acting far younger AND far older than my physical age.
Age you wish you were:: This one.
Your height:: Who cares?
Eye color:: Very dark brown.
Happy with it?: Sure. If anything, I wish it were darker- almost black.
Hair color:: Brown.
Happy with it?: Sure. Soon, my bangs'll be purple :)
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Righty.
Your living arrangement:: Currently with my mom and dad, although next month I'll be in the dorms at St. John's.
Your family:: Sucks ass. Just mom, dad and I.
Have any pets?: Smoke the kitty!
Whats your job?: I'm a student :)
Piercings?: Belly button. Supposed to go get the cartilage in my left ear today, too.
Tattoos?: No
Obsessions?: Reading, writing, politics, various other things like aliens and undead things and furries.
Addictions?: Never.
Do you speak another language?: French, thanks.
Have a favorite quote?: "An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason." -C.S. Lewis.
Do you have a webpage?: What would I put on one?

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: I try my best to do so.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Very much so.
Do you have any secrets?: Not really...
Do you hate yourself?: No. I dislike some things about myself, but I change the things that really bother me. Those that can't be changed, I accept and move on.
Do you like your handwriting?: Um.. sure?
Do you have any bad habits?: Swearing, really.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: Either "you write well"/"You're smart" and things along those lines, or "You have a nice body!" I prefer the former :)
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: I'l rip off Pink Floyd here: "Learning to Fly."
What's your biggest fear?: Not being able to fully enjoy being alive for whatever reason.
Can you sing?: Yes.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: No...
Are you a loner?: Once in a great while. Usually, i die without my friends around :)
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Wow. I think I'd say my own well-being is my #1 priority.. but there are alot of factors that contribute to that, such as making my loved ones happy, etc.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: That's the stupidest question ever.
Are you a daredevil?: In ways that aren't so obvious, yes.
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Um... Sometimes, I don't fight hard enough for what i believe in. I hate that about myself.
Are you passive or agressive?: Very, very aggressive.
Do you have a journal?: You're reading it.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Strength: I can detach myself from situations I'm in and see things from different perspectives. Weakness: I let myself get hurt too easily.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: As callous as this is, perhaps I'd make myself care a little less. It'd keep me from getting my feelings trod on.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: I think that I am. Not strong enough, maybe, but strong.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: We aren't even going to go there.
Do you think life has been good so far?: Why yes :)
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: Look out for yourself, no matter what the cost. You're worth it.
What do you like the most about your body?: I'm in great shape, thankyouverymuch.
And least?: LOL, my fucking teeth.
Do you think you are good looking?: My body? Yes. My face? Hell effing no.
Are you confident?: Yup.
What is the fictional character you are most like?: Afsan. If you want an explanation, ask me.
Are you perceived wrongly?: Ask someone else and report back to me.

Do You...
Smoke?: Nope.
Do drugs?: opportunity hasn't arisen in a long, long time.
Read the newspaper?: Does count?
Pray?: Nope.
Go to church?: Nope.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: Yes.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: MOOSE!
Take walks in the rain?: Often!
Talk to people even though you hate them?: Um... the only one I really hate, I don't talk to.
Drive?: Now I do. Can't wait for the test tomorrow.
Like to drive fast?: Hee *sheepsih grin*
Would or Have You Ever?: Wha?
Liked your voice?: yeah, actually.
Hurt yourself?: Yeah.
Been out of the country?: I <3 France.
Eaten something that made other people sick?: *giggles* Yes, ask Heather, Danielle and Becca about that one.
Done drugs?: Only pot.
Gone skinny dipping?: No, but I actually really want to.
Had a medical emergency?: Not really.
Had surgery?: Will for the first time on the 16th.
Ran away from home?:Wish I could have in some instances :/
Played strip poker?: That's one of the things I want to do before I die.
Gotten beaten up?: No.
Beaten someone up?: No.
Been picked on?: Welcome to my early childhood, bitches.
Been on stage?: Yeah.
Slept outdoors?: Yeah.
Thought about suicide?: I can honeslty say I have never seriously considered suicide. Life is too great a gift to waste it.
Pulled an all nighter?: Hehe :)
If yes, what is your record?: A day.
Gone one day without food?: Yes.
Talked on the phone all night?: Yes
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: Yes.
Slept all day?: Um... not really...
Killed someone?: No
Made out with a stranger?: Ew, no.
Before names? No
Had sex with a stranger?: Sex means alot more to me than that.
Thought you're going crazy?: Believe it or not, I wonder that often.
Kissed the same sex?: Yeah.
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Nope... never got that far.
Been betrayed?: Oh my god... don't get me started.
Had a dream that came true?: I'm sure I have at some point...
Broken the law?: Frequently.
Met a famous person?: Um... maybe?
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: Poor little spider...
On purpose?: KILL THEM ANTS!
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: Yeah. Don't worry, guys, it wasn't anything of yours.
Stolen anything?: Bathroom sign from France!
Been on radio/tv?: Radio, yes. Not sure about TV.
Been in a mosh-pit?: Not actually in one.
Had a nervous breakdown?: Several.
Bungee jumped?: No.
Had a dream that kept coming back?: Yes. Weirdness.
Believe in life on other planets?: Absolutely! You're talking to alien-girl over here!
Miracles?: Um... if you mean in a religious sense, then no.
Astrology?: Sometimes horoscopes are accurate. Often, they're not.
Magic?: Why yes.
God?: I am God, Thou Art God, and all that groks is God. Very muchly do I believe in the God within myself and you, too.
Satan?: No.
Santa?: I proved that one wrong myself, thanks.
Ghosts?: Not really.
Luck?: No. Things just happen.
Love at first sight?: Um... not love, per se.
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: Absolutely.
Witches?: Like Wiccans and stuff?
Easter bunny?: Heeey... no.
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes. Yes I do.
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: No...
Do you wish on stars?: It's a habit left over from childhood.

Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: Not in the slightest.
Do you think God has a gender?: No.
Do you believe in organized religion?: Um.. it's out there :) I don't agree with it, though.
Where do you think we go when we die?: Honeslty? I don't know. You don't know either. Just enjoy what we have now and we'll figure the rest out in a few years.

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Lots and lots.
Who is your best friend?: I have several. You know who you are :)
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: Um... Probably Gino, but I'm actually not sure.
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: I wrote down in my journal once this great quote my mom gave me. Don't remember it now.
Your favourite inside joke?: "Boobelie doobelie doo!" or "Don't be an Updike!" or "Frankenstein is a wiffle ball!" or "My skull is lonely!" We have a ton of good ones.
Thing you're picked on most about?: I say some pretty retarded things :)
Who's your longest known friend?: Zarah.
Newest?: Mac
Shyest?: Kristen. Maybe Garin.
Funniest?: Danielle and Heather, when the three of us are all together :) Other than that, prolly Braden.
Sweetest?: Heather or Danielle.
Closest?: Both of the two mentioned above.
Weirdest?: Quite possibly Lacey.
Smartest?: Amy.
Ditziest?: Dunno.
Friends you miss being close to the most?:Maybe Zarah, I guess.
Last person you talked to online?: Gino and Braden.
Who do you talk to most online?: Gino and Braden :)
Who are you on the phone with most?: Uh... Gino, heather and Zarah.
Who do you trust most?: Gino.
Who listens to your problems?: Gino, Heather, Danielle, Becca, and Zarah.
Who do you fight most with?: My mom.
Who's the nicest?: Uh.. ?
Who's the most outgoing?: Blade, prolly.
Who's the best singer?: I just found out that my friend John is a very good singer. Who knew?
Who's on your shit-list?: Really, only one person. Anyone care to guess who?
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: LOL. Once or twice :)
Who's your second family?: Hooboy. Marilyn is sorta like a weird second mom, and I'm sort of inextricably linked to Gino's family now.
Do you always feel understood?: Often, I don't.
Who's the loudest friend?: Heather!!
Do you trust others easily?: Yeah.
Who's house were you last at?: Heather's.
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: This should be a no brainer.
Do your friends know you?: Yes. I mean, there are parts they don't know, but they know almost all of me.
Friend that lives farthest away:: Mac.

Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: Not real love.
What do you find romantic?: Things that are meant to make the other person happy and have no ulterior motive.
Turn-on?:Most physical contact :) And there's a certain look...
Turn-off?: Biting too hard. Ouch. And being a self-cetered jerk.
First kiss?: Ew.. I'm ashamed to admit it.
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: Been there, done that. Um... I'd probably say 'thanks but no thanks."
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: Knowing. It helps things ALOT.
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: No, I do it anyway.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: Sort of.
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: Maybe. I don't know.
What is best about the opposite sex?: Fuck, I don't know! I look at one member of the opposite sex and I'm done, kids!
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: Being to egotistical.
What's the last present someone gave you?: Underwear :) think i'm kidding, don't you?
Are you in love?: Very much so.
Do you consider your significant other hot?: Quite. Which is a weird thing for me, considering he's... well, a he.

Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: My first boyfriend.
You wanted to kill?: My dad. Maybe my mom.
That you laughed at?: Michelle :)
That laughed at you?: Everybody.
That turned you on?: Gino. Duh.
You went shopping with?: My buddies.
That broke your heart?: Um.. Gretchen didn't break my heart, exactly, but she sure made me feel crappy.
To disappoint you?: Mom.
To ask you out?: We didn't ask each other out so much as just start acting it, but I guess I'll say Gino.
To make you cry?: Heh. Gino. But in a good way.
To brighten up your day?: Gino, who managed to do it at 12:00 last night :)
That you thought about?: Gino. Big surprise.
You saw a movie with?: Big group of folks.
You talked to on the phone?: Can we GET any more answers with the foxboi in them?
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Gino and Braden.
You saw?: Mom.
You lost?: ?

Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: Oretty soon, actually.
Will it be with your significant other?: No. Wish I could.
Or some random person?: My friends... well, they are pretty random ;)
What are you wearing right now?: tye-die tank top, parachute pants, "alien x-ing" necklace, bracelets.
Body part you're touching right now: My hand is resting on my thigh....
What are you worried about right now?: Getting ahold of people.
What book are you reading?: Cry to Heaven by Anne Rice.
What's on your mousepad?: My mouse, idiot.
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: sore, anxious, excited, happy, loved.
Are you bored?: Nah.. just waiting.\.
Are you tired?: Not at all.
Are you talking to anyone online?: Not at the moment.
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: Nope
Are you lonely or content?: Both.
Are you listening to music?: For some reason, no, I'm not.
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