Do you actually think that helps?

May 20, 2008 10:19

Group A of fans starts critiquing a show because of the way it treats the issues of dodecahedrons.

Group B of fans thinks the show is not a geometry lesson, and besides the issue of dodecahedrons isn't going to be resolved on television, and further, if they encountered dodecahedrons presented as they are on the show, they'd be breaking out the 'rhombus' word, too.

And then Group B starts saying that people in Group A are just jumping on a BNF bandwagon or stirring shit up because they can, and besides, the show is not about dodecahedrons and talking about dodecahedrons is boring.

Do the members of Group B actually think that calling Group A whiny crybaby sheep is going to make Group A either agree with them on the subject of dodecahedrons or move on to the fascinating (and mutually agreeable) topic of velocity?

If dodecahedrons bore you, you can make other people talk about velocity by talking about velocity. If you think your show treats dodecahedrons appropriately, then refute the arguments of Group A or talk about the good ways in which the show deals with dodecahedrons.

Saying that Group A is whiny sheep who should stop talking about this? Makes me think the members of Group B are not only biased against dodecahedrons, but also incompetent to operate in fandom.

Brought to you by the letters S, P, and N.

ETA: I allow anonymous posting, but you must sign your comments with a pseudonymn, so I can keep different anonymice straight.

fandom, meta

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