So, i've been sick for the last few days. which totally sucks! Fever is finally gone. thank god! I'm just supper congested now. I hope it all goes away before the weekend
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Okay! So today was fuckin awesome! Projekt Revolution! basically all the bands were great! Atreyu sucks live so did the bravery at first. the lead guitarist rushed like madd! lol. The 1st song was real sloppy. but it got better. I got all the autographs of the members of 10 years on a 5$ bill lol. n a pic with their lead singer who was fuckin
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Rockstar Mayhem is tomorrow!...or today i guess. I'm super stoked! Disturbed, Slipknot, Under Oath, Dragonforce, and a whole bunch of other cover bands will be performing
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i left work early....i have a crazy high fever and every time i would go to the popper to get popcorn i would burn up so bad and feel like i was gonna faint. i drank so much water to hydrate myself that i threw up. eww! in all honesty i didnt want to go home. just because i'm alone here and i dont like the feeling at all. i miss Michael so much...
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