(no subject)

Mar 15, 2005 14:03

Hey all, just as fair warning, this is going to be a long entry on my part, and it contains some life changing info about me, kinda sorta, not really. so feel free to read or here are the highlights: things are going to change, no more LQ unless I have a specific purpose in going, and I am really happy.

Well it's time for change. Lately I have reverted back to the former me, and it feels good to be that way. Explanation, I'm back to wearing all black (though I miss my long hair) and my trench coat. This time it's not because of depression/ antisocialism (most of you would never have known that about me, it was before naz, so chances are before I met almost all of you), this time, it's because it is truly me, it's not Zypher or Logan Debit or Jason or any of the other hundred identities i am known by, it's me. Lately I have been the happiest that I could have been in a long time, and being my former self/ true inner me is helping with that. I've given up on caring about social roles and letting outside forces control me. I am free. This freedom brings with it an air of change. Times are changing as am I, and thus things in my life will change. Change seems like it will be good for me, lately I have felt like my life is going no where, is without purpose or reasoning. Don't worry I'm not going to have a major overturn of friends or anything like that, I'm just going to change me, and be more true to myself. Hell maybe I'll even try to be true with every aspect of my life, but I doubt that will happen ;-)
In my previous entry I was getting bored with things and wanted change, now I am excited and able to change. For the DDR people that read this, I'm sorry but I'll still be coming to play DDR (though maybe not so many 10 sets thanks to the reasoning of a good friend). Here is the first major change, I will not go back LQ anymore unless it is a special occasion. For example, phoenix comes up and wants to play, a group of close friends really wants to go and really wants me to join them, or the best reason divine retribution if some upstart member picks on my friends and needs to be taught a lesson on niceness. Basically this means that there will be no more casual playing of LQ, if I go it'll be for a purpose, I need to move on with my life, and get over that part of it.
I know this entry is getting long, and if you're still reading then I personally thank you. It's been quite some time since I made a real update, and I decided that now is the time to make one.

So the only thing I have left to say is, "vive la revelution" the internal one for me.
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