Your result for The which philosophy suits your personality? Test...
Cogito Ergo Sum, by Descartes
52% Nature, 71% Rationalism, 40% Religion, 39% Freedom, 52% Individuality, 33% Power and 60% Uncertainty!
You scored highest on the variable Rationalism.
Rationalism was an important part of Descartes' philosophy.
René Descartes, 1596 - 1650, France.
The phrase he is most famous for is Cogito Ergo Sum which means "I think therefore I am". Before Descartes, philosophy and theology were pretty much the same thing. But for the first time he didn't start with God in his reasoning, he started with humans. This was quite revolutionary at the time and caused an "explosion" in philosophy and science. We became the center of reasoning instead of god. Which implied there is nothing we won't be able to find out/understand in time.
Possible results:
Nature: the Scala Naturae by Aristotle
Rationality: Cogito Ergo Sum by Descartes
Religion: Proof God Exists by Saint Augustine
Freedom: Existentialism by Sartre
Individuality: Personal Religion by Kierkegaard
Power: Will to Power by Nietzsche
Uncertainty: Agnosticism by Hume
No high variable: Synthetic Perception by Kant
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HelloQuizzy Your result for The Attachment Style Test...
The Cuddleslut
18% Anxiety Over Abandonment and 6% Avoidance Of Intimacy
You're mostly secure, but sometimes you need a little extra reassurance to make it through the tough times. You are usually affectionate and sweet, and you find it easy to fall in love. An encouraging word from a crush or a loved one can motivate you for weeks.
Fictional character with whom you might identify: Kaylee (Firefly/Serenity), Hiro Nakamura (Heroes)
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The Unicorn |
The Cuddleslut |
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The Exile Dismissing:
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The Player Confused:
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