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Marvin French пишет о том, как можно нам, простым смертным,
Предлагаемый рецепт прост: Your best chance is to play a solid game that differs from theirs. You don't want the same contract, played from the same side, with the same opening lead and line of dummy play, at both tables. If your alternatives get better results, you win! If they don't, so what, you were going to lose anyway.
Ну и дает несколько советов на эту тему:
-- Don't play their system. If they play five-card majors, you play four-card majors. Use different notrump ranges, if only to play 16-18 high-card point (HCP) one notrump openings vs their 15-17, and 21-22 HCP two notrump openings vs their unsound 20-21. It is amazing how often good bidding of the same deal in different systems will result in a different contract or different declarer, which is what you are looking for..
-- Use alternative conventions and treatments. They use Michaels cue bids? You use topand-bottom. Forget weak jump overcalls, yours are strong or intermediate. No negative doubles unless the vulnerability is unfavorable--you double for business (but read up on the techniques). Play two-way Stayman (two diamonds game-forcing, two clubs gameinvitational), discarding Jacoby transfer bids. You don't want to play hands from the same side they do.
-- No ultra-light openings, doubles, overcalls, or responses. Make your weak two bids sound, with a good six-card suit and at least 1-1/2 defensive tricks (so partner can double with confidence). The experts are better at stealing hands than you are, so don't mimic their macho style. That does not mean bidding timidly. If you have a reasonably good bid or double, make it.
-- Don't open notrump with a weak doubleton or off-shape hand. Eschewing these questionable practices, popular with experts, can get some great results.
-- Avoid bidding very weak suits with marginal hands. Partner will have more confidence in raising or leading your suit, and you'll have fewer disasters.
-- Prefer a sound minor suit bid to a questionable one in a weak major or in notrump. A good minor suit contract, disdained by the experts, often yields a nice swing. With a weak hand raise opener's minor instead of bidding a weak major (a Danny Kleinman practice).
-- Prefer a notrump response or rebid when the alternative is to bid a weak four-card suit. Don't use Stayman with a 4-3-3-3 hand or Jacoby with a 5-3-3-2 hand. You might gain if their suit contract gets a bad break, or your unrevealing bidding elicits a favorable lead.
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Еще замечательная цитата из него же - "Perhaps East previously made an "odd-even" discard signaling club strength, a wonderful defensive play convention designed to help declarers make overtricks"