What time is it: 10:29pm
What is the date: Feb 22 2004
*~*~Info about you~*~*
Full Name: Gabriela Terrazas Maceiras
Sex: Female
Birthday: September 13
Where do you live: Key Biscayne
Where else have you lived: Greenwich
What state: Florida
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
What school do you go to: La Salle High School
What is your mascot: ROyal lions
What are your school colors: green + gold
Nicknames: FRED!
Do you have any other screen names: Yes.. a lot
What are your hobbies: singing
Hair color: brown
Ever died your hair: nope
What color: nope
Hair length: past my shoulder
Eye color: greeen
Height: 5'11
Weight: 93743297493275
Have any pets: yupperz
Whats their names: pancho, laura, sofia
Siblings: two monkeys and a brother
Names and age: Sofia 11, Laura 13, Will 17
What do you fear most in the world: being alone, burning/drowning, seeing someone i <3 die
What do you regret the most: i dont regret Nething
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: rob a bank
Do you have braces: no
Do you have glasses: no
Shoe size: 11
Color: blue/orange/pink
Teacher: o/cramata
Class: chorus
Day of the week and why: saturday
Season: Winter
Month: Septmeber
Fruit: Mango
Veggie: Carrots
Sport: swimming, dance
Sports team: NEW YORK YANKEES!!
Male Athlete: derek jeter ;-)
Female Athlete: dont kno
Favorite movie: Lilo n stitch
Actress: um... i dont know
Actor: Denzel Washington
T.V. show: Will+Grace
Web site: ??
Food: mexican food
Drink: water
band: at the moment.. train
Female singer: Christina aguilara/ Whitney Houston
Animal: Pancho!
Store: idk
Video rental store: Blockbuster
E-mail buddy: No one
Saying: " never regret nEthing that ever made you smile"
Brand of shoes: puma
Radio station: im my own radio
Room in your house: my room
Concert you have been to: p!nk, z100 zootopia, Good charlotte, Phish
CD: Christina Aguilara/ Stripped
State: Cali
City: New York
Lake: i dont kow
Ocean: Atlantic
Place to be: nEwhere but miami
Smell: permanent marker
Sound: rain
Taste: Sugar ;-)
Feeling: love
Letter: G Number: 13,23,26,29
Book: Count of Monte Cristo
Vacation spot: Mexico
ice cream flavor: Anything
Flower: Daisys
*~*~Your friends~*~*
Friends: have none
Best friend: Natassya
Spend most time with: Macklin/megan
Best house: i dont know?!
Funniest: all of the guys
Smartest: CHristina
Hottest: everyone!
Strongest: me? lol
Most athletic: megan
Knows you the best: natassya/megan/macklin
Most outgoing: Andrea
Most shy: Ferrer, me sometimes
Always negative: FERRER and victor (no wonder they're 2gether) lol
Most trustworthy: christina, megan, michelle vega
Biggest flirt: me
Best dressed: idk
Best eyes: idk
Sweetest: EVERYONE!!
Do you make friends easily: i guess
Are you intimidated by any of your friends: not at all
If you were stranded on a desert island then who (outa ur friends) would you want to be there with you: wow...depends on how many people i could bring
Who do you think would help you the most if you were in trouble: most of the ppl in ct
Who do you think would risk their life to save yours: i have no idea..(care 2 share?!)
Who do you want to go to college with: haha chrsitina and i already have that planned. we're gonna go 2 nyu 2gether
Who would do anything for 1 million bucks: almost nEthing
Who do you think has the nicest siblings: Megan!
Who do you think has the nicest mom: macklin or megan
Who do you think has the nicest dad: um... wow thats tough
Who do you have the most inside jokes with: macklin!!
*~*~This or That~*~*
Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner
Day or Night: Night
Radio or Cd's: cds
Internet or Phone: Internet
N'sync or BSB: BSB!! haha
98 degrees or O town: that one's hard...
Happy or sad: happy
Guy or girl: um.. wtf kind of a quesoitn is that?
Sexy or Cute: cute
Tuff or wimpy: in between
Strong or weak: strong
Funny or hilarious: hilarious
Summer or winter: winter
Love or lust: love
Friends or family: family
Car or truck: car
Dog or cat: pacnho!
Give or receive: give
Sex or no sex: im not gonna ansewr that one
Walk or run:walk
Inside or outside: outside
Up or down: down
In or out: out
Back or front: front
Hurricane or Tornado: ??
Thunder or lightning: lightning
Rain or snow: snow!!!!
Hail or sleet: hail
Sunny or cloudy: a bit of both
Loud or quiet: LOUD!
Hard or soft: soft
Hardee's or Arby's: no clue what they are...
Rebel or goodie: a bit of both
Coke or pepsi: Coke
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper: Dr pepper
White chocolate or normal chocolate: dark
Britney or Christina: CHRSITINA!!
Black or white: magenta
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Diary or journal: Journal
Writing or typing: Typing
Candle or insence: Candle
Curly or straight: straight
Blanket or sleeping bag: Blanket
Shower or bath: Shower
Body wash or soap: body wash
Purfume or Body spray: Perfume
Wal-mart or target: Target
American Eagle or Abercrombie: Abercrombie
Hamburgers or hotdogs: neither
Pop tart or toaster strudels: pop tarts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chicken or turkey: chicken
MTV or VH1: mtv
Shorts or pants: pants
Tank tops or t-shirts: tank tops
Mandy moore or Jessica simpson: they're both really dumb
Spanish or German: Spanish
Rich and dumb or Poor and smart: Poor n smart
Markers or colored pencils: markers
Boxers or briefs: ladidadida
Nike or Adidas: puma
Mercedes or BMW: nissan
Army or Navy: The circus
Orange or grape: Orange
Lime or lemon: lime
Striped or plaid: plad.. I HATE STRIPES!!
Innie or outie: Innie
Hot tub or sauna: Hot tub
Land or water: water
Sneeze or cough: sneeze
skittles or M&M's: M&M's!!
East or west: east
North or south: North
Letterman or leno: None
SNL or mad tv: SNL
Drummers or guitar players: wow.. BOTH!
*~*~Which way would you spell it~*~*
Megan or Meghan: Megan
Lacey or Lacy: Lacey
Steven or Stephen: Steven
Kurt or Curt: Kurt
Mark or Marc: Marc
Brandi or Brandy: Brandi
Eric or Erik: Erik
Corrine or Carine: Carine
Kari or Carrie: kari
Jackie or Jackqui: Jackie
Sean or Shawn: Shawn
Chris or Kris: Kris
*~*~Love life~*~*
Do you have a crush: um.. crush no
Whats his or her name: dont have one?
How old are they: 1231654654654
Have u dated him or her: already in the process
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: secret...
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: secret...
Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: well considering iv always been the dumpee.. im getting pretty use 2 it
Do you think there is a person for everyone: yes, but only one
If yes, do you know who yours is: i have an idea lol
Do you believe in love at first sight: depends
Have you ever been in love: i think so... or as close 2 love as i can get
Do you have a b/f or g/f: yupp
Do you want one (IF NO): ladidadida
What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: everything
Second grade teacher's name: Ms. Rosenblume
Last word you said: haha
Last song you sang: Love train!
Last meal you ate: salad
Favorite childhood cartoon: Loony toons
What did you hate most about school: work
Last person you flipped off: um.. i dont kow?
Last song stuck in your head: Infatuation
What line/verse: "skin the color of cinnamon, his eyes light up and i melt withen, feels so good it must be a sin i cant stop what iv started im giving in..."
What's in your CD Player: Train
What color socks are you wearing: not wearing nE
What's under your bed: another bed
What's the weather like: its nite
What is on your wall calender: coutdown to a certin event in 4 days
What time did you wake up today: 11
Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: on time
Who do you want to marry: cant say...
Are you going to college: Yes
If so, how long do you want to go: 29843792743 years
Where do you want to go: NYU
What is your career going to be: singer.. if not psychologist
Where are you going to live: New York
How many kids do you want: i used to want 2.. but after dealing w/ my little siblings.. NONE!
Kids names girls: haha dont get me started
Kids names boys: like i said.. dont get me started
*~*~Have you ever~*~*
Smoked: yes.. its nasty!!
Been Drunk: yes
Been high: it was an accident!
Done drugs: it was an accident!
Skinny dipped: no
Partied until the sun came up: hahaha orlando
Stole: gushers
Stayed up all night on the internet: not all nite.. but pretty late
Met someone off the internet (in person): no
Cried over a guy/girl: yeah
Been in a fist fight: nope
Been in a cat fight: yes!
wanted to kill someone: nope
Fell off a chair: yes!! MANY TIMES!
Kissed the same sex: nope
Had feelings for the same sex: nope
Lap danced: nope
Do you belive in the horoscopes: not really but they are fun 2 read
Do you like your handwriting: its iight
If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: idk
What superhero would you be: idk
Do you have any piercings: yupp
Any tattoos: no
If so where: NA
If not, where and what do you want: loewr back, ankle
Are you picky: not really
What makes you cry: EVERYTHING!!
What makes you mad: little things
What do you think of Eminem: he's hott
Who do you admire: lots of people...
Do you like cartoons: yes!
Do you believe in heaven: yes!!
Do you believe in God: yes!!!
Do you think there is a hell: not really
Do you believe in the devil: i think so
What is the one place you have to visit before you die: Austrailia
What did you do today: beach/park/home
Where do you work: i dont work.. too young
Do you even have a job you lazy bum: nope.. too young
Are your 'rents lame: no i love my parents
Do you own a miniskirt: yea.. the zipper broke tho =(
What is the farthest your have traveled: Spain
What kind of shampoo do you use: herbal Essance
What about conditioner: herbal Essance
Do you use big words to sound smart: i dont know nE big words
When you get mad, do you swear a lot: in spanish
Got milk: fo shizzle ;-)
Do you have a magic 8 ball: no
Name something that comes in threes: um.. monkeys?
Ever worn black nail polish: yes
How many sheets are on your bed: ladidadida
Do you have your own tv and vcr: yupp
Do you believe in fate: yes!
Do you see dead people: i see stupid ppl
Are you a good speller: not at all
What is your lucky charm: a bracalet "the guys"(ct) gave me
Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway: because i said so!
Do you like little kids: NOT AT ALL!
Are you talented: i dont kow?
Ever hugged a tree: hahha sadly yes
Do you watch the weather channel: yupp when i stuck at home bored
Do you ever steal anything from hotels: yupp
Ever seen a ghost: dont believe in ghosts
How about an alien: noperz
Do you beleive in either of them: nope
Did you waste any time doing this: kinda
Did you like this survey: kept me entertained
Were you bored: kept me entertained
Did you skip any questions: some