SO I will be prepared when the Zombies attack which they will, I have read the Zombie survival guide and learned its lessons, when you are all ZOmbie food you will know I was right
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oh yes we learned an intersting fact about spacey the other night I seem to rember it was that he liked to catch but that may just be my memory not being so good. and that he wanted to have Farris' babies. hes also madly in love with a toaster
well this sucks I join a raiding guild to do 40 man content and then the one raid that I A) can get into due to gear, and B) can go to due to time gets cancelled, great just freaking great. grrrr stupid gear not droping when I go on runs why must you taunt me so epics
I didn't know that they were making a movie version of Frank Miller's 300 until a couple of days ago but it is a movie that I really do want to see when it comes out. here is a link to the trailer check it out
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