Title: Falling Away with You Author: 0creativity Part: 9 of 9 Rating: R for language Summary: Set after Grave Danger. That should give you an idea. Spoilers: Grave Danger Disclaimer: I don't own anything
Alright, I finally managed to make time to read this series. I'm so glad I did. It was really rather beautiful. I have so many more things I could say, there were so many lovely moments, but right now I can't find the words so I'll just leave it at that.
i know you posted this a while ago, but im just not getting around to reading it. all i can really say is wow. That was so good. All your chapters have been really, really good. Hopefully you'll be writing some more soon. I know not from this story...but for something else i guess.
when greg was talking about nick being put in the the ground I cried like a little baby. Like you said, I did get teary eyed. I lost my brother about a year ago, and i'm guessing you lost somebody too, because the trying to imagine the person and the nightmares are exactly what happened to me. but yeah, i'm so glad Nick wasn't really dead!!!
ya know, you should write a book. I bet you could get famous.
Hmmm you made me cry again. I was thinking no this is not the way they end. Then Greg wakes up.
Wow im amazed at how well this story was written. Maybe you should send it off the the guys at CBS. It's about time that the show realised just how well we know nick and greg.
I think that we deserve more from CBS. This story to me feels in the blanks especially after grave danger. Aww and them being all fuck buddies in college. How cute was that?
Comments 13
when greg was talking about nick being put in the the ground I cried like a little baby. Like you said, I did get teary eyed. I lost my brother about a year ago, and i'm guessing you lost somebody too, because the trying to imagine the person and the nightmares are exactly what happened to me. but yeah, i'm so glad Nick wasn't really dead!!!
ya know, you should write a book. I bet you could get famous.
Wow im amazed at how well this story was written. Maybe you should send it off the the guys at CBS. It's about time that the show realised just how well we know nick and greg.
I think that we deserve more from CBS. This story to me feels in the blanks especially after grave danger. Aww and them being all fuck buddies in college. How cute was that?
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