Mar 18, 2011 23:41
I just realized something. When did geek culture become optimistic?
Aug 24, 2010 23:29
Why does "four letter word" have to already mean something dirty? I want to use it a euphemism for the CAGT type, but there's no displacing the two-ton fucking ape in the middle of the goddamn room.
Jul 17, 2010 21:56
Is there any word for when you're pissed at a situation, but nobody involved is in the wrong? That's kinda been my theme today.
Jul 04, 2010 05:45
This whole "early to bed, early to rise" thing feels wrong to me. I remember when sunup marked my usual bedtime.
Jul 01, 2010 18:02
I need a place for all my mean thoughts, that isn't well-known to everybody I'd be thinking about.
Currently, the christian friend I've been bothering by repeatedly asking her to actually go through the bible.
Mar 22, 2010 18:28
I wonder if/when QR'vatars will really start taking off.
Feb 22, 2010 21:24
I'm having a major attack of irony right now.
Jan 22, 2010 19:47
Haiti thought: why is there never a "help them build a decent economy so they don't need to come begging later" telethon?
Oct 06, 2009 00:15
Does anybody use 10^100 anymore, or has that been totally muscled out by its homophone?
Sep 23, 2009 22:24
Wondering: Is there any actual term for the difference between a hard meme (where the term/concept/etc is repeated with a high degree of fidelity) vs. a soft meme (where the underlying concept is never clearly voiced)?