The "My Flist is TEH AWESOME" Friending meme
Don't pimp this out on any communities.
Just post it in your own journal for your flist. Then your flist can post it on their flist, and so on, and so forth.
If you see this, PIMP IT!
The "My Flist is TEH AWESOME" Friending meme
Name:Age:Location:Who's the friend you followed the link from?: ++++++++++ Fandoms:Book you've read the most:5 tv, movie or book characters you wish you knew IRL:If you could only listen to one artist for the rest of your life, who would you choose?: ++++++++++ How many people are currently on your flist?:Ever done a Friends cut?:How often to you update?:Any requirements for new flisters?: Anything random left to say?: