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May 06, 2012 17:23

100 Things, because our f-page needs YOU!

I've seen various mumblings lately about LJ being quiet, and although many comms seem more active than ever, when it comes to personal entries, a lot of the bloggers I used to read here have left for pastures with word counts leaner. Whether your kink is bondage or baking, Tumblr is great for picture porn, and there's definitely a place for film reviews that read: Saw #thehungergames. Not as good as book. @lennykravitz, marry me?

But the thing that drew me to LJ was the words, the abundance of words, the LJers who would wax - and not just poetically, but informatively, knowledgeably, and passionately - about their specialist subject, be it film, books, sex, art, equality, that darn boy wizard, design, music, or novelty cupcakes. I've been as guilty as anyone of slipping into the habit of not providing much actual content here - aside from the odd Hipsta pic of my cats doing something stupid - so I throw down a challenge to myself and anyone who wants to play: Blog 100 Things, right here on LJ. (you're also more than welcome to play on DW/Wordpress/any other blogging platform if you'd like to, but if you want to use a banner, you'll need to recode it)

How's this work, then?

1. Pick a Thing.

2. Commit to blog about it 100 times.

3. Your 100 Things can be as personal or impersonal as you like. You can compile your own Best Of list, use someone else's as a basis (e.g. Rolling Stone's Top 500 albums of all time or Film Stage's Top 100 films of the decade), talk about something you're passionate about in 100 pieces, catalogue 100 days, or even ask your flist 100 probing questions. You can interpret 100 Things any way you like, but here are some examples to give you an idea of what you could do:

100 Recipes I've Never Tried Before & Other Kitchen Disasters
100 Of The Best & Worst Pop Videos In The World... Ever!
100 Things I Wish I'd Known At 15
100 Awesome/Awful Sporting Moments
100 Books Everyone Should Read
100 Songs By The Rolling Stones: Discography Discussed
100 Films I Endured Subtitles For, Were They Worth It?
100 Places I've Hung My Hat
100 Moments When Ordinary People Changed My/The World
100 Things I Overheard
100 Fics I Really Loved
100 Brilliant Goals
100 Pics of Abandoned Buildings
100 Philosophy Quotes & Their Every Day Application
100 Things I Bought In Thrift Stores & How I Restored Them
100 Inspiring People
100 Cult TV Things
100 Rooms I Wish Were Mine
100 Lessons Life Taught Me This Year

Need more ideas? Check out this post by springinstep!

4. 100 entries?! That's a lot! Yes, it is. That's why it's called 'a challenge' and not 'something to piss about with for five minutes'. Frightened you don't know enough about any one Thing or will get bored?

- mix and match with something like '100 Books, Songs, Films, and TV Shows I Have Loved'

- alternatively, you can break your 100 Things down into subcategories. For example, if you pick Cult TV Things, you can make 10 entries about Buffyisms, 10 about Firefly, whittle down the top 10 Star Trek episodes, post about 10 TV shows that are so cult your flist will never have heard of them, pick 10 kisses, choose your favourite 10 characters etc.. Likewise, you could break a fic 100 Things down by pairing and fandom, or Awesome European Films could break down to 33 Spanish films, 33 French films, 33 Italian, and Flemish-speaking Belgium's cinematic masterpiece. Like that, 100 breaks down pretty quickly into chunks, but the point is to challenge yourself - and it'll hopefully give you something to post about when you can't think what else to post about (and save your cat from Vogueing).

5. The idea is to generate content that's considered, fun, focused, and interesting, and to make 100 entries featuring 1 Thing each. If you/your flist really, really can't face that, you can bundle your 100 Things into packages (50 entries of 2 contrasting Things - 1 book I love, 1 that I never finished, 25 entries of 4 similar Things etc.). The minimum number of entries you need to commit to making in order to take part is 10 (10 Things each).

6. There is no deadline for this challenge. You can sign up at any time, and post completely and utterly at your own pace. Zip through them in a few months by all means, but if you can only post once a week and it takes you two years to finish your 100 Things, that's fine, and if you end up posting randomly and not finishing this decade, it still counts.

7. Number your entries in some way so you know when you're done, and tag them with something like '100 Things' or 'one hundred things'.

8. When you make your first entry, give it a tag like '100 Things' or 'a hundred things'.

9. Save the URL of the tag rather than the entry itself. To do this, click the tag in question, and copy what appears in the nav bar. It should look something like:

10. Copy-paste this form into a comment here, and fill it in with the tag URL in the correct place:

Hello, my name is:
You can find my entries here: Tag URL goes here
I'm writing 100 Things on the subject of:
Entries will be public/flocked:
Will you be posting anything NSFW or potentially triggering?
Are you happy to add people so they can read your entries?
Which index category do you want to be in?

Keep the coding mice happy by:

- not coding your link. Just give us the URL.
- don't ramble, especially on the public/flocked and NSFW/triggering questions. We're skimming and extracting info. We don't have time to pick the saliant parts out of 'OMG, IDK...maybe if I talk about that one book I read last year there'll be triggers but I'll warn, pinkie swear...' or 'um, well, I like friends, but my flist is kinda massive, so I'm only adding people if their favourite colour is blue and they fill out this questionaire in my profile'.

NB: I (and others) have had endless issues with links for LJ tags breaking, so I'm going to recommend that you come back every now and then to check your link still works. If it breaks, drop me a line in a comment or a PM with the category you're indexed under, and a new link and I'll fix it asap.

11. When you finish your 100th Thing, go here and say so. The first 10 people get a shiny banner and a place in the hall of fame.

12. Bask in the glory of having done your bit to make LJ the world the whole goddamn universe a better place ♥.

Want a banner?

[grab one and the code here]

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}">" width="400" height="350" border="0" />

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}">" width="400" height="350" border="0" />

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}">" width="400" height="350" border="0" />

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}">" width="400" height="350" border="0" />

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

Problems, Questions, etc.

If your original sign up was missed, we're sorry. Please leave a new one below and we'll add you asap. If something in your entry in the index is incorrect (a broken link etc), please leave a comment here with a link to your current entry in the index and what the required correction is.

New sign ups FYI

After you've been indexed, your comment will be screened so we can stay on top of what has been catalogued and what hasn't.

admin: rules & regs

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