Your Name:
indira14 Your Favorite Led Zeppelin Song: This is a very, very hard question to answer because A) there is a wide range of songs to choose from and B) I haven't listened to all of it yet. But I'll go with the Over the Hills and Far Away?
Your Favorite Led Zeppelin Album: Physical Graffiti
Where you Live: On Planet Earth :)
Your Age: Somewhere near late teens
How you found out about this community: I googled Lj for Led Zeppelin fans, after numerous, repeated and failed attempts to get any contemporaries interested in Led Zeppelin's songs. :'(
Where you promoted this community:... on my journal?
Whatever else you want to add about yourself, this community, anything, just Ramble On:
What I'd like to add is, that I'm looking for guidance. Which songs should I start with? What is the best way to describe how great this bands is under 500 words? And, ramble on I will:
Hello! I've recently been introduced to the amazingness that is Led Zeppelin, after being coerced into writing an article for the this 70's band that is still held in high esteem even now. Last night, I read through the entire Wiki page in one go after listening to Whole Lotta Love, Kashmir and Stairway to Heaven and a few others, and I was surprised that they were... this famous.
I mean, I knew they were famous, but I never really comprehended just how famous until I read about their achievements. *__* So, I'm hosting a discussion meme in my journal to know what the masses think of Led Zeppelin. Are they really the greatest rock band of all time? Or is their music just overrated? Or are they old and washed out, soon to be replaced by contemporary talents, and the in-your-face attitude of the wannabe rockette?
Now onward to the meme! Take a look at the
MEME right here and share your thoughts! Also: Nice to meet you all. :)
Signing off,