Full character application into Counted Stars

Sep 06, 2011 13:36

Player Information:

Name or Handle: Justine
LJ: onetruesikorsky
Email: Justine.Dillenbeck@gmail.com
AIM/ MSN / Plurk name: AIM: SilverRustBucket, Plurk: Onetruesikorsky
Any current characters here?: This is my first! c:

Character Information:

Character Name: Legion
Age: Platform's age: Two years. Geth: Over 300.
Canon: Mass Effect

Legion is a geth Infiltrator, meaning its relative size is small - the size of a human or quarian male. Its basic build is similar to that of quarians (seeing as they created the geth in their image), with three fingers, three toes and bowed back lower legs indicative of their creators. The platform sports a single optical unit, often nicknamed 'flashlight heads' because of the similarities, and their lack of actual facial structure. Legion is unique among the geth, and was given an opportunity to allow for more 'emotion', utilizing multiple metal flaps surrounding its optic.

The most notable physical attribute would be the gaping hole in the right side of Legion's chest cavity. This was the result of a rifle shot on Eden Prime, in its search for Shepard-Commander. Legion, despite being prodded on why it has not fixed this glaring issue, has never offered a suitable response. Glowing cables can clearly be seen within the geth platform's chest, but the hole does not seem to bother Legion's ability to function.

The only other notable trait would be the incorporation of Shepard-Commander's N7 armor on its right arm, which Legion found after finding the wreckage of the Normandy after the Collector attack. ...Even Legion cannot offer an explanation for its actions.


Legion is a unique platform among the geth. Being the singular mobile platform beyond the Perseus Veil, Legion was given 1,183 programs to be able to process thought independently of the multitude, whereas every other mobile platform has a maximum of 100 programs residing within it, leaving it only with animal intelligence and instincts unless it uplinks to the multitude or a geth hub. Legion speaks in a very formal, organized fashion, often only using one or two word answers, unless prompted to elaborate.

Legion, being a terminal of the geth as a whole, often expresses interest in learning more about organics and their reasoning for actions. They wish to understand the reasoning for the quarian’s attack against them, because they do not understand their judgments, and they are also interested in asking questions about philosophy.

Despite its constant reiteration that the geth are not constrained by organic thought-processes and only act after building a consensus, there are times when Legion cannot explain its reasoning for an action. Specifically, after Commander Shepard presses the issue of the platform integrating a piece of her armor into its own, it responds with an evasive ‘there was a hole’, and then when pressed further, it responds with a pointed silence and then a quiet ‘no data available’, which suggests that the integration was the response of an irrational thought and not entirely void of emotion.

Because of Legion’s reason for existing, it is very prone to mimicking gestures that are foreign to the geth, usually small things like a shrug, moving your arm or hand in a specific way, stretching, or rolling one’s head back and forth. For example, when Commander Shepard was speaking to it and gestured toward it with one arm, Legion also moved its mirrored arm at the same time and at the exact same angle. It is likely that Legion is collecting these gestures to use at a later time, to appear more organic in its movements. The geth are not a naturally expressive species, but Legion is special in that it has multiple helm panels that are able to lift, shift forward, backward, and angle inward and outward to be able to offer a multitude of simulated expressions. For instance, its top two helm panels lifting up vertically are often a simulated form of ‘surprise’, but if they slide up and forward, it is a visual for being in thought.

To understand why Legion exists, you must first understand the geth as they began. The geth history begins when they were first constructed, when the quarians created them as simple mechanisms for labor forces. The tech savvy quarians quickly constructed specified programs for software - Data recovery, protection, and domestic servitude. However, they also included programs that allowed for self-optimization. Once the geth realized that sharing resources was more effective than remaining independent, cognition dramatically increased as more geth programs joined the multitude of software already constructed. Eventually, they became self-aware, and began asking questions… Questions that began to unsettle the creators the more the geth asked of them. Eventually, they asked one too many times if each geth unit had a soul.

The quarian-creators grew frightened of the geth and their self-awareness, and how quickly their cognitive abilities evolved. They attempted to reprogram them, and when that failed to dissuade the geth’s evolution, they felt it necessary to attack their creations in hopes of destroying what they could become.

What followed was the Morning War - a war fought at the dawn of geth intelligence, and the result was the evacuation of the quarians from their homeworld, Rannoch. They left the Perseus Veil as roaming nomads aboard the Migrant Fleet, leaving the geth to do as they pleased.

As the geth remained behind the Perseus Veil to continue existing with the goal of uniting all geth under the same voice, the Reaper Nazara (named ‘Sovereign’ by Saren Arterius) approached the geth with an offer. Nazara appealed to the geth’s goal by offering a Reaper body to upload every geth into, to provide true unity and transcendence. When the geth could not reach a consensus, the ‘heretics’ accepted the Reaper’s technology, while the rest of the geth (estimated at ninety-five percent of the geth population) refused, choosing instead to create their own future. Legion later states that this is because the process is equally important as the outcome, and choosing one technology over another blinds you to other possible paths.

It is these heretics that organics encounter beyond the Perseus Veil, and it is because of the heretics that organics believe all geth to be an infiltrative species, when in reality they are the opposite.

(Insert events of Mass Effect here.)

While the geth remained behind the Perseus Veil and chose to engage in an extremely individualistic way of life, they still continued to listen in on the extranet and monitor open channels between the organic species. The mobile platform later named Legion was not constructed until after the destruction of Nazara at the Citadel. It was created for the sole purpose of seeking out Commander Shepard, because she was the singular being that brought so many together to take down the Reaper.

Because the true geth opposed the Old Machines and the heretics alike, and clearly so did Shepard, Legion was sent to find her. They began on Eden Prime, where they encountered heavy defenses because of the events that occurred there. In an ensuing battle, the platform was struck by a rifle shot in the chest cavity, although this did not stop them from continuing their search for the Commander. They visited Eden Prime, Therum, Feros, Noveria, Virmire, Ilos, and a dozen other unsettled worlds before their search ended at the Normandy’s wreckage, where the Commander was not present. What they did find was a piece of armor from Commander Shepard’s suit, and for reasons unknown even to them (besides ‘there was a hole’), they incorporated this armor into theirs and continued on despite Shepard’s death.

The geth eventually learned that the heretics were compiling a virus against them (given to them by Nazara, in an unfinished version), a specific data stream that would alter the way geth processed calculation and reasoning, so that it would be a ‘rewrite’ of the true geth to accept the heretic conclusion. Recognizing this threat, the geth sent the unique mobile platform to a Derelict Reaper in order to understand the code, since it was stored in the Reaper Core, which they could not access otherwise. As it turned out, while the platform was on the Derelict Reaper, Commander Shepard, resurrected by the human program Cerberus (led by the Illusive Man - Shepard’s resurrection was named the Lazarus Project), was also inside the Reaper searching for the Old Machine’s IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) coding to safely pass through the Omega-4 Mass Relay to reach the Collector Base.
The mobile platform, while inside the Reaper Core, was disabled by husks, and left to its fate by Commander Shepard. Deciding to take the platform back onto the Normandy, it was left disabled inside the AI Core until Shepard felt it necessary to re-stabilize it.

Once reactivated, the platform quickly proved to Shepard that it was not hostile, and asked to join her team to further mutual goals. It is then that Shepard asked what to call it, and the platform responded with a simple ‘Geth’. Unsatisfied, Shepard continued to pry a name out of it until EDI (the Normandy SR-2’s AI) stepped in and quoted from the Gospel of Mark, ‘My name is Legion, for we are many’. Accepting this as an appropriate metaphor, Legion was given its name.

After a brief time, Shepard returned to the AI Core, and Legion told her that they had completed their analysis of the Reaper data core, and their reason for their presence aboard the Derelict Reaper was because of the virus. Legion told Shepard the location of the Heretic Base, and the Commander agreed that it was necessary to stop the Heretics from rewriting the true geth. Upon entrance to the Heretic Base, Legion updated Shepard on the parameters of the mission, and that the virus could be rewritten for the Heretics to accept the geth's truth. There was conflict between Legion's higher runtimes - they could not form a consensus on how to proceed. To destroy the Heretics, or to rewrite them to accept the geth truth.

Ultimately, Legion left the decision to its Commander because of the lack of consensus (573 vs. 571). Shepard, despite being conflicted on the morality of the options, chose to spare the Heretics and told Legion to rewrite them instead of simply deleting them. They escaped the Heretic Base before the EM Field destroyed them, and almost immediately after the mission, Joker informed Shepard of a conflict in the AI Core. Tali held a pistol point-blank at Legion's helm. Tali stated that Legion was caught attempting to send valuable data about the creators to the multitude, and Legion responded that they believed any pre-conceived attacks or plans by the creators should be sent to warn the geth multitude. At a standoff, Commander Shepard talked them both down by reminding them that the Reapers were the true enemy, and if the geth and the quarians were to fight, they would both be
considerably weaker against the Old Machines. Legion conceded, and Tali'Zorah did as well, and agreed to send non-classified data to the geth to further facilitate unit cohesion.

The Reaper IFF was completed not long after the altercation in the AI Core, but EDI suggested a more thorough analysis of the IFF before using it. Shepard agreed, and took all of the main cast into the shuttle for the next planetside mission. In that time, the Collector ship arrived at the Normandy's location - the IFF had imbedded a tracking signal in the ship - and Collectors proceeded to board and steal the crew away. Only Joker (Jeff Moreau) remained after help from EDI. Commander Shepard and the remaining crew returned and she decided that there was no other option but to go through the Omega-4 Relay to fight the Collectors and save the crew.

The Normandy survived the trip through the Relay, and the mission continued. Commander Shepard ordered Legion, with the geth's unparalleled tech skills, to move throughout the vents within the base.

The mobile platform was in the process of moving through the vents (waiting for Shepard to engage the fourth valve to continue, and in considerable danger from unmanageable heat and pressure within) when the TransTechs chose to intervene, transporting Legion to Axiom Nexus.

Video reference for further history on the geth and their motivations during their loyalty:
Here, here, and here.

Canon point:

Legion is taken specifically while within the vents during the suicide mission, between vents three and four. Taking him from this point makes arrival into a different universe more jarring and disorienting, and for Legion that's hard to do.

Special Abilities:

Legion is capable of processing and building consensus at the speed of light. When it speaks in the geth language, all that is audible for those of organic species is a series of stuttering clicks and warbles. Geth build consensus, meaning every program within the platform speaks to one another, accesses a situation from all gathered viewpoints, and then they come to a conclusion as one. Most of the time, this method of thought process is incredibly efficient, but in rare cases like the heretic re-write or destruction, the need for a complete consensus from all higher runtime programs can be detrimental to the point where Legion is incapable of making a decision on its own, leaving the decision to Commander Shepard.

Geth Assassin - Legion has become an expert at disassembling organics and synthetics alike, increasing its weapon damage.

AI Hacking (Rank 3): Legion can wirelessly control basic AI drones or synthetics when their shields or barriers are disabled, enabling its own shielding system around the target while it inflicts friendly fire upon its allies. This hack lasts for nine seconds. This hacking ability also makes Legion incredibly efficient at decrypting data streams. Despite its size, the 1,183 programs all working as one are a force to be reckoned with.
Combat Drone (Rank 3): The Combat Drone is a regenerating device. A pulsing, intricate floating orb of light that is capable of shooting enemies at decent strength using an electronic stunning tool. This drone lasts for eighteen seconds and recharges in thirty.
Heavy Geth Shield Boost: (Rank 4): As a loyal soldier to Commander Shepard, Legion’s Geth Shield Boost is enabled and effectively maxed out. This shield boost makes it so that Legion is able to absorb the impacts of any shot, including heavy weapons. This shield lasts for sixty seconds and takes twelve seconds to recharge, making it more likely for Legion to survive against the heavy weapons of the Cybertronians, but it is not entirely impervious to attacks.
Gamer Profile:
Gamertag - ‘Infiltrait0rN7’
(One example of many)
N7 Code of Honor: Medal of Duty:
Player Score: 15,999,999,999 (max)
Most Preferred Class: Sniper
Least Preferred Class: Melee
Sniper Rifle Kills: 200,917 since last server reset
Shotgun Kills: 3


None yet.


First Person:
(Responses to this post on Dear_Mun can be found here)

We have reached a consensus regarding your inquiry.

This platform wishes to express its concern regarding possible transfer to universal stream Nexus 508.08 Epsilon. Shepard-Commander is not there. The Geth Multitude is not there. The one thousand, one hundred and eighty-three geth residing within this platform will be alone, unable to connect with the multitude - we do not find this outcome favorable.

[There is a brief pause of point three seconds as the platform reaches a consensus.]

We formulate that there is an eighty-seven point six five percent chance that you will disregard our opinion regardless of these statistics.

[The Geth stares hard at its Mun, optical sensors contracting marginally.]

We do not find this outcome favorable.

Third Person:
(The link directly to this post is here)

There is a geth platform - and the 1,183 geth remind themselves over eight thousand times per second that it is in fact the only geth platform within this universal stream - walking down the streets of Zone One, its pace not altogether hurried, but not languid either. It is what organics would call 'deep in thought' - mathematical codes and programs all speaking to one another at the speed of light, all building consensus and attempting to sift through all of the new information collected.

Unfortunately, all of the information gathered takes approximately four point two seconds to sift through, categorize, and file away for proper dissemination at a later time.

The geth move on to prioritizing future actions.

Their first consensus is that the platform requires a place of privacy, a place to recover from any potential injuries to its person. Their second consensus is that it requires a database to store all gathered data on Axiom Nexus, to ensure all higher runtimes are not swamped with junk data. Their third consensus, less than a thousandth of a second later, is that specific resources are required to achieve this goal, and confirmation of the existence of these resources is essential.

Limited data has been collected via the Network, and although Legion is grateful to have something in its memory core to help assess the situation, the lack of Shepard-Commander's presence here is conflicting.

Her lack of presence here means that she is likely still within her own universal stream - their universal stream - and in that respect the Reaper invasion is still being handled appropriately. That the rest of the crew is safe. Shepard-Commander is safe. However, there are no guarantees that this is absolute. There is no way for the geth to know - all manner of possible probabilities are considered in the span of a second or two, pointless calculations that will never be proven.

Legion is left to self-determinate, and find a way off this planet on its own.

There is a swift consensus as Legion's single ocular ring spies a brawling pair of Cybertronians down the street:

Self-preservation is key.

The geth understand this concept but this singular platform has never initiated it at the level it does now, and it rings with crystal clarity in all higher-order runtimes.

If this platform fails, or is offlined, there is no back-up data. There is no hard-link FTL comm buoy to send to the multitude to preserve the unique platform's purpose, and this has never happened to the geth before this instance.

Their memories would not live on. Their experiences would not be shared. The multitude would miss the loss of the 1,183 geth stationed in Axiom Nexus for an indeterminate amount of time, and never know why.

This outcome... was not preferable.

There are files on the theory of fear, of hopelessness, depression, anger, frustration, jealousy, all manner of organic responses to this situation, and yet the geth cannot find a reasonable equivalent to the mathematical code, the erroneous discomfort settling into its programs like a ghost in a machine.

The Geth Pulse Rifle is no longer holstered, instead cradled in the synthetic's arm with a level of care that mimicked those of organic species to a T. All of the files recorded of Shepard-Commander, her superior code and battle strategies, her survival in the eyes of chaos and almost absolute impossibility, all of them are accessible to this singular platform at the same time, because this is its purpose. And they are carried out with the efficiency no human could ever hope to possess.

Legion begins previously meditated actions.


Nine hours later - after setting up a proper bank account, loan, and all manner of other organic necessities for proper citizenship into Axiom Nexus - Legion stands in its new residence, glancing around at the empty warehouse space in Zone Three that will serve as a place of safety and reclusion.

It is not a home ('"Home" is recognized patterns, known spaces, familiar thought processes of fellow sapients. ...it is belonging.'), but it is satisfactory.

Legion has not forgotten its previous responsibilities. The platform leaves, moving back out into the street to mingle with those that don't even spare it (or the Pulse Rifle cradled in its arm) a second glance, and it moves first in the direction of Creator-Heterodyne's laboratory.

Anything Else:
Legion would prefer if another Mass Effect character were to be a roommate with him, but this is not an absolute necessity if it's not available. Legion is currently in axiomnexus, but his experiences there are not going to be brought in to here.

Oh, also, because I'm lame and can't think of any witty incorporation of these two phrases: Blue milk loves Jolee Bindo. If anyone knows what that's a play on I will love you forever and ever.
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