I see no Youma...it's so quiet in here...(Personality only)

Jun 03, 2007 10:32



Name: Set
Age: somewhat old
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? Not at all

Likes: Learning and improving my knowledge, beauty in all its forms, astrology and the paranormal, history, criminology, psychology, philology and plays on words, the mistery of the human mind. Foreign languages and cultures, classic Greek philosophy and literature...well, classics of any kind, because there's a reason why they are.Theories, possibilities, all that's in the realm of "could be, but is not yet".

Dislikes: rude, impolite behaviour and bad manners, arrogance and abuse. Bad grammar and rough speech.Illnesses, dirt, lack of personal freedom, being touched when not requested, being interrupted and told what to do.

Hobbies:translating and everything related to the wonderful world of languages, knowing people to er,analyze them,reading , losing myself in my own parallel cosmos.

Strengths:I empathise well with people, and I tend to get respect from most of them (maybe because I can be pretty intimidating, I guess). I have a rather open mind, sometimes even too much, I'm very focused and determined, strong-willed,ironic, gentle, mild-mannered.

Weaknesses: I'm not used to expressing my feelings,so they confuse me very easily, and when they're bottled up, as they usually are, I feel extremely weak.Control-freak,somehow?^^ Detached, a little cold,and not really easy to be friendly with. I can be coldly cruel ^^'

Favourite Quotes: There are too many , and some of them would lose their inner meaning if translated. I suppose my favourite is still Socrates' "Know Thyself".


How do people usually describe you? Close family and relatives see me a s an extravagant, eccentric individual always lost in thoughts and totally out of the real world. Friends describe me as a wonderful if a bit odd person , with a rather mlelancholic side (well, they are my friends after all...) . Strangers and on-lookers find me intimidating, cold and scary, but still interesting to know.

Who do you admire most and why? All those who pursue their interests to the limits and tets their knowledge and concepts on behalf of humankind

What is your dream?: To be one of them one day.

In what kind of place do you feel most at home? My library, any place with books

What is more important to you: yourself, your family, your friends, your country? Why? Myself. Because if the world is moved by the common sinergy of all its inhabitants, my loss would ultimately be mine, my family's, my friends' and my country's loss.

Who is your favourite character in Juuni Kokki and why? Uhm , tough to say. Rakushun is the one that comes to mind, because he's the one I felt for the most.Probably because he's a scholar but has a way with people I lack, and is always so caring while never imposing his view on others. I also adore Youko and all of the Kirin ( their nature utterly fascinates me ** )

Who is your least favourite character and why? Suzu. I just wished she stopped whining and started to think and reason about what she could do to improve her situation instead of waiting for someone to save her.

What is your favourite scene in Juuni Kokki and why? Youko's first speech as an empress was impressive and graceful *_*. All the scenes between Taiki and Keiki.

If you were chosen by a kirin as the next ruler to a country in turmoil...how would you react and what would you do? I'd pity myself, my country, my people and my Kirin. Then I'd see the chance I'm offered as a challenge and try to live up to it at the best of my abilities.

Which of the following positions in a kingdom would you prefer and why: King/Queen, teacher/advisor, minister, lord, servant, guard/soldier, other? Advisor, that's basically what I always do, and what I feel I'm fit for. Giving advice and proposing ideas and showing all the sides to any of those is easy for me. Practice though, is entirely different...

Anything else you'd like to say? I'm really surprised there's a 12 Kokki stamping community...unfortunately not so shocked to see there's so few of us here ç_ç.

5 Votes:

5)All there is

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