Now that you know what you are...go and display it! I'd prefer if you saved the graphic to your own server. If you have to direct link then use the code below.
[1] I ____ Britt. [2] britt is ____. [3] If I were alone in a room with Britt, I would _______. [4] I think Britt should _____. [5] britt needs ______. [6] britt will never ______. [7] birtt can ______ my _______. [8] I want to _________ britt.
Im so burnt out i have no motivation towards school anymore.. everymorning its the same thing i just want to sleep in and not worry about homework uhhh... then I get a week off and i have to go to damn summer school i swear this school thing will never end!!! but ya i cant wait for the sleeping in and partying every night thats going t be so great
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Why is britney spears so perfect… my dads doing a job at her house and he wont even take me!!!!! Ugh and Justin Timberlake im so madddd… I told him to get me their autograph lol!
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend
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I have been waiting all week for this American JUNIOr thing to be on it was so cute these little kids so adorable it gave me chills!!! this week is going by so slow i just want it to end already gosh! this year has been so hard! i had the most boring day of the week! it was pretty lame... 3 exciting things happened.... 1) talked to matt 2) talk to
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