Title: Follow You Home - California Queen (4/20)
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: DG left the Zone. Cain followed.
Warning: post-series. Blame
n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine. Title comes from song of same name by Nickelback.
Prologue One .
Prologue TwoCalifornia Queen:
Part One .
Part Two .
Part Three . Part Four .
Part Five .
Part Six .
Part Seven .
Part Eight .
Part Nine .
Part Ten .
Part Eleven .
Part Twelve .
Part Thirteen .
Part Fourteen .
Part Fifteen .
Part Sixteen .
Part Seventeen .
Part Eighteen .
Part Nineteen .
Part Twenty California Tin |
California Sun Five |
Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) |
Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) |
An Hour and 45 Minutes |
Hava Nagila |
Unexpected Cain didn't know how far they'd traveled, but they'd stopped and started again half a dozen times. He noted that DG's hands grasped the back of the seat in front of her as they slowed to a stop. At the now-familiar lurch, Cain watched as DG pulled herself up and held out her hand. They both looked down to her open palm and then back up to each other as she pulled her hand back and turned, moving down the aisle with Cain close behind.
DG gave a nod to the driver, as did Cain, and they stepped off the bus and moved away from the door for the others to disembark. DG pushed up on her toes as the bus pulled away, looking across the busy intersection toward the oncoming traffic. Usually, the next bus was only a few moments behind. Her eyes moved to Cain, who was looking at the traffic lights, then glancing at the parking lot, trying to take it all in.
She couldn't help but smile. When he looked at her suddenly - having felt her watching him - she looked away quickly, finding a poster in a nearby window suddenly very interesting. Cain let the smallest smile slip and jumped as a loud thumping sound appeared beside him. DG turned to watch his response to the ridiculously loud bass coming out of the car stopped at the light.
Spotting the bus coming to the far side of the intersection, DG turned and flinched slightly as her shoe pinched. Reaching over to take hold of Cain's arm for support, DG leaned back and pulled her shoe off, rubbed at the top of her foot and pulled the shoe back on. "Thank God I don't have to wear these damn things tomorrow," she mumbled as the bus crossed the intersection.
Both of them noticed that DG didn't move her hand from Cain's arm as the bus stopped in front of them, yet neither of them mentioned it. Cain's hand moved to her back as the door of the bus opened and he let her step in first. She, once again, flashed her pass and paid Cain's fare, then moved down the aisle to open seats. This time, DG let Cain's protective side win and took the window seat without argument.
It was another ten minutes of stops and starts before DG tapped Cain's leg with her knuckles. He took a quick look out the window and saw they were now in a business district of sorts. DG nodded for him to get up and followed, again, giving the driver a nod and smile as she departed. Cain had stepped onto the sidewalk and immediately looked left to the rail tracks not ten feet from where they stood.
He noted a residence just on the other side of the tracks and thought it rather unsafe, especially if there were children nearby. In the Zone, any structure was required to be no less than thirty yards from rails. Of course, there seemed to be quite a few more people on the Other Side, but that should be no excuse for basic safety.
The bus pulled away and DG was halfway across the tracks when Cain realized she'd moved, so he hurried after her. He sped up just a bit more at the sound of another thump as a car went past and didn't see that DG had stopped again, so he practically plowed into her. Luckily for DG, she was paying attention, so her arm shot out to help stop him.
Looking both ways, DG's hand found Cain's arm again and she pulled him into the crosswalk. As soon as they were across the street, DG let go of Cain, but he caught her arm. She turned to look from his hand up to his face and he frowned. "How much longer are we gonna not talk about this?" DG blinked and looked away for a moment before nodding.
"You're right." She gave Cain her full attention and added: "I'm sorry." Honestly, she didn't know where to start. "Come on," she started, turning slightly and pointing behind her. "That sandwich couldn't have been filling," she assumed, realizing that she hadn't eaten at all. Cain huffed and frowned again, thankful she'd at least said something, and followed after her.
As they passed the shop entrances, Cain saw DG reaching into the pocket of her jacket and withdrawing a ring of keys. She turned toward the building as the passed the third shop and stuck a key into the lock of the fourth door. Pulling it open, DG waved Cain inside and took a deep breath before following him inside.
DG pushed the door of her apartment open and held the door open for Cain, who stepped in tentatively and looked around the small space. DG didn't have much in the way of things, but how much could a person accumulate in seven cycles? She closed the door behind him and, shrugging off her jacket, moved into the open kitchen space and pulled open the refrigerator.
"You thirsty? Hungry? I don't have much..." she trailed off, looking at the cupboards and wondering what she did have. Cain shook his head and stayed in the middle of the room, watching DG's every move. She looked away and pushed the refrigerator shut before stepping back into the main room. Leaning against the counter for support, she reached down to pull off the heels and dropped the shoes to the floor. Moving over to Cain, DG threw her hands up and sighed. "Might as well get it over with," she offered.
And, after the past seven days, not to mention the last ten hours, Wyatt Cain had nothing to say.
*Since this was a short part - because it had to cut here - I'm gonna go against myself and post two parts today. The next one will be up later. Because I will have to pull a modly-abuse of power and bend the rules at
tinman_fic by posting twice in a day :p
The things I do for you people...