1 Set

Apr 01, 2006 17:15

*NOTE* Most allow art as well. "Claim couples" does not necessarily mean the couples must be romantic, and sometimes threesomes and moresomes are allowed. Some communities merely ask for one genre (i.e. smut) but do not require it. Always check the comm info to be sure.
Database Directory⇒⇐ Traditional Themed Communities⇒⇐ Weekly Challenge Communities⇒⇐ Report a problem/Add a comm

1 Set Community Themes Sets Fandom Description 30_kisses 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with a kiss in each work. Claim couples. fanfic100 100 1 All Write from 100 themes. 4quarters 13 1 Obscure YA Fantasy/Sci-Fi Write/Draw from 13 themes each quarter. No claims. 5apologies 30 1 All Write from 5 of 30 themes with an apology in each work. Claim characters. 5drunkfics 5 1 All Write from 5 themes where the claim is drunk. 5_roses 5 1 All Write/Draw on 5 themes incorporating a flower into each work. 7_deadly_sins_ 7 1 All/Multi Write from 7 themes, the deadly sins. 7musicalmusesv2 66 1 All/Multi Write 7 songfics from 66 themes. 7snogs 7 1 All/Multi Write from 7 themes with snogging (kissing) involved. Claim couples. 7_virtues 7 1 All/Multi Write from 7 themes, heavenly virtues. 10_at_a_time 110 1 All Write by choosing 10 of the 110 themes. State themes at claim. 10_au 10 1 Multi Write/Draw AU works from 10 themes, bonus themes available. 10_crongfics 10 1 All/Multi Write crack songfics from 10 themes. Claim couples. 10_fashions 10 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 10 themes with fashion involved in each work, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 10_hurt_comfort 10 1 All Write hurt/comfort fics from 10 themes. 10_laughs 10 1 All Write from 10 themes with laughter in each work. Claim couples. 10lilies 10 1 All/Multi - Yuri/Femmeslash Write/Draw yuri/femmeslash from 10 themes. 10_passions 10 1 All/Multi Write fics from 10 themes, intended as romance, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 10_quotes 300 1 All/Multi Write from 10 of 300 themes, which are famous movie quotes, and include the quote as much as possible. 10shootingstars 30 1 All Write from 10 of 30 themes, each work containing a shooting star. 10_snuggles 10 1 All Write/Draw from 10 themes with cuddling or snuggling involved, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 12_christmas 12 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 12 themes. General theme is Christmas. 15hugs 15 1 All Write/Draw drabbles from 15 themes with a hug in each work. Claim couples. 15_limes 15 1 All Write 15 limes (mildly sexually explicit) on the themes, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 15pairings 15 1 All Write/Draw romance from 15 themes with a different pairing in each work. Claim fandoms. 15_photos 15 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 15 themes with a photo in each work. Claim couples. 15_spells 15 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 15 themes with a spell in each work. Claim couples. 16candles_fics 16 1 All Write unlikely/unpopular from 16 themes, bonus themes available. 18coda 18 1 All Write from 18 themes, musical terms. No songfics necessary. 20cars 20 1 All/Multi Write from 20 themes which are cars. 20_cities 20 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 20 themes with a city featured in each work. Claim couples. 20_est_relships 20 1 All/Multi Must be of age. Write from 20 themes of couples in already established relationships. Claim couples. 20_firstkisses 20 1 All Write from 20 themes with a first kiss in each work. 20_heartbeats 20 1 Kingdom Hearts Write/Draw KH from 20 themes, bonus themes available. 20loves 20 1 All Write from 20 themes, incorporating the quote, bonus themes available. No claims at present. 24hour_themes 24 1 All/Multi Write from 24 themes including the hour associated with it. 24_runes 24 1 All/Multi Write from 24 themes, which are runes. 25christmasfics 25 1 Japanese, Chinese, Korean Pop/Rock Write from 25 themes on a band from Japan, China, or Korea. Overall theme is Christmas. 25fluffyfics 25 1 All/Multi Must be at least 18. Write fluff from 25 themes. 25_streetsigns 25 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 25 themes which are street signs. 25_themes 25 1 All/Mutli Write/Draw from 25 themes. Claim couples. 26_drabbles 26 1 All Write drabbles from 26 themes based on the alphabet. 30_baisers 30 1 All/Multi - French Must be written in Français (French). Write/Draw from 30 themes with a kiss in each work. Claim couples. 30_beverages 30 1 All/Multi Write from 30 themes, beverages. 30_breathtakes 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw breathtaking scenes from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_caresses 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with a caress in each work, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_characters 30 1 TeniPuri Write/Draw TeniPuri works from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Claim a challenge. 30_contests 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes. Claim couples. 30_cuddles 30 1 All Write/Draw from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Main theme is cuddles. Claim couples. 30_dates 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw dates from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_deathfics 30 1 All Write/Draw from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Main theme is death. Claim characters. 30_disasters 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with a disaster in each work. Claim couples. 30_distractions 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes. Claim couples. 30_dreams 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with a dream in each work. Claim couples. 30enemies 30 1 All Write/Draw from 30 themes. Claim "anti-pairing." 30_evil_deeds 30 1 All Write from 30 themes on villians. Claim a villian. 30_fantasies 30 1 Final Fantasy Write/Draw FF works from 30 themes. 30_flowers 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes (flowers), bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_forbidden 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Main theme is forbidden. 30_fortunes 30 1 All Write/Draw from 30 themes based on fortunes, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_friends 30 1 All Write/Draw from 30 themes. Claim friendships (not necessarily two people). 30_gens 30 1 All Write/Draw gen works (couples should be platonic) from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Claim characters or friendships. 30_gundams 30 1 Gundam series Write/Draw works from various Gundam series around the 30 themes, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_hath 28-31 1 Harry Potter Write/Draw an HP work on the theme of each day of the month. No claims. 30_hugs 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with a hug in each work. Claim couples. 30_kills 30 1 All Write/Draw deathfics/deathart from 30 themes. 30_lemons 30 1 All/Multi Adults Only. Write/Draw 30 lemons (sexually explicit) on the themes, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_lies 30 1 All/Multi Write from 30 themes, including a lie in each work. 30_lyrics 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw works based on 30 songs used as the themes. Not songfics, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_memories 30 1 All Write/Draw from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Main theme is memory. Claim couples. 30moments 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes. 30morts 30 1 All - French Must be written in Français (French). Write/Draw from 30 themes (or 3 sets of 10 themes) with the characters' death in each work. 30_movies 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with a movie in each work, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_musesecrets 15 1 All Write/Draw secrets of characters from 15 themes (provide other half). No claims. 30_nights 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Main theme is night. Claim couples. 30_originals 30 1 Original Write/Draw original stories/art from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Claims only necessary for fandom crossover. 30_passions 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with a disaster in each work, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_quests 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes. 30_quills 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes based on quotes and adages, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30randomkisses 30 1 All Write from 30 themes with a kiss in each, no claims. 30_reflections 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes. 30_romances 30 1 All/Multi From kisses to lemons, write/draw from 30 themes, each a romance, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_rooms 30 1 All Write/Draw fics taking place in different rooms specified in the 30 themes. 30_scifi 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes. 30shards 30 1 InuYasha Write IY works from 30 themes, bonus themes available. 30_slash_hp 30 1 Harry Potter - Slash - French Must be written in Français (French). Write/Draw HP slash from 30 themes. Claim couples. 30_soldiers 30 1 tokusastu Write/Draw from 30 themes, bonus themes available. 30songfics 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with a song in each work, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 30_stories 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes. 30_sweets 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Main theme is sweet. Claim couples. 30threesomes 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes, bonus themes available. Claim threesomes. 30_treats 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 treat themes. 30_ways 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw about all kinds of love from 30 themes. Claim couples. 30_weapons 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes which are weapons, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 31_days 28-31 1 All/Multi Write/Draw on the theme of the day each month. No claims. 31_halloween 31 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 31 Halloween themes. 31_jours 28-31 1 All - French Must be written in Français (French). Write on the theme of the day each month. 35fantasies 35 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 35 themes with a fantasy in each work, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 35_fantasies 35 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 35 themes with a fantasy in each work. 36_plots 36 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 36 themes, which are basic plots by Georges Polti with certain roles needing fulfillment with each plot. 40baisers 40 1 All/Multi Write from 40 themes. Claim couples. 40_loves 40 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 40 themes. 40themes 40 1 All/Multi Write from 40 themes, bonus themes available. Claim couples. 50_darkfics 100 1 All/Multi Must be at least 18. Write at least 50 dark fics from 100 themes. Claims only necessary for banner. _50gravi_ 50 1 Gravitation Write Gravitation works from 50 themes. 50harlequins 50 1 All/Multi Write clichéd harlequin scenarios from 50 themes. 50kinkyways 50 1 All/Multi Must be of age. Write from 50 themes, sex-themed. 50_lovequotes 50 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 50 themes which are gushy love quotes. 50_ouran 50 1 Ouran High School Host Club Write/Draw Ouran fics from 50 themes. 50passages 50 1 All/Multi Must be 18. Write from 50 themes from Lord of the Rings (all fandoms welcomed). 50pot 50 1 Prince of Tennis Write/Draw PoT from 50 themes. No claims. 50_reactions 50 1 Fullmetal Alchemist Write/Draw FMA works from 50 themes based on chemistry. 50_shinobi 50 1 Naruto Write/Draw Naruto works from 50 themes. 50stories 50 1 J-Rock/J-Pop Write J-Rock or J-Pop fics from 50 themes. 50_themes 50 1 All Write/Draw from 50 themes. 52_flavours 52 1 All Write a gen or het fic from the 52 themes, one for each week of the year, no claims. 55themes 55 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 55 themes. 60damnprompts 60 1 All Write from 60 themes, each are a day of the character's life. Claim characters. 64damn_prompts 64 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 64 themes. No claims. 78_tarot 78 1 All/Multi Write from 78 themes, meanings of tarot cards. 100_chances 100 1 All Write/Draw from 100 themes. Claim couples. 100_colours 100 1 All Write from 100 themes which are colors. 100crackfics 100 1 All/Multi Must be over 18. Write crackfics from 100 themes. 100fics4u 100 1 All/Multi Write from 100 themes. 100_men 100 1 All Write fics focusing on male characters from 100 themes, no claims. 100moods 100 1 All/Multi Write from 100 themes, which are moods. No claims. 100moods_nl 100 1 All/Multi - Dutch Must be written in Nederlands (Dutch). Write from 100 themes, which are moods. 100_original 100 1 Original Write original stories from 100 themes. 100rare_pairing 100 1 All Write from 100 themes. Claim rare and uncommon couples. 100_storybits 100 1 All Write "storybits" from 100 themes. 100_women 100 1 All/Multi Write fics focusing on female characters from 100 themes, no claims. 365_prompts 365 1 All/Multi Write from 365 themes for each day of the year in sequential order. Claim couples. alphabetasoup 26 1 All/Multi Write from 26 themes, the letters of the alphabet. alphabetdrabble 26 1 All/Multi Write drabbles from 26 themes, the letters of the alphabet. alphabet_love 26 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 26 themes, letters of the alphabet. No claims. au100 100 1 Multi Write AU fics from 100 themes. au100_de 100 1 Multi - German Must be written in Deutsch (German). Write AU fics from 100 themes. au_abc 26 1 Multi Write AU fics from 26 themes, the letters of the alphabet. baileys_tavern 22 1 Jericho Write/Draw Jericho works from 22 themes (for the first challenge and subject to change). Claim themes. beat_of_destiny 100 1 Gundam Wing Write/Draw GW works from 100 themes. bodyandsoul100 100 1 Original Write/Draw on original stories/art from 100 themes. chinese_storage 20 1 All - Chinese Must be written in Chinese. Write/Draw from 20 themes, bonus themes available. cinema100 100 1 Movies Write from 100 themes. coclaim100 50/100 1 All/Multi Write on 50 or the whole 100 themes with option of co-claiming with a friend. crack_fic_101 101 1 All Write from 101 themes with each fic being crack and the last theme changing monthly. crossovers100 100 1 Multi Write crossovers from 100 themes. crossover100_de 100 1 Multi - German Must be written in Deutsch (German). Write crossover fics from 100 themes. deviant_muses 4 1 All Write on 1 of the 4 monthly themes. No claims. digitalart100 50/100 1 All Make 50 or 100 pieces of digital art. drabbles100 100 1 All/Multi Write drabbles from 100 themes. enemy_rival_100 100 1 All/Multi Write from 100 themes with enemies paired together. Claim enemy pairings. esper_cave 100 1 Final Fantasy VI Write FF6 works from 100 themes. Other challenges also available. fairytale_redux 210 1 All/Multi Write/Draw your claim into one (or more) of 210 Grimm Brother's fairy tales. fanart50 50 1 All/Multi Draw from 50 themes. fanart100 100 1 All Draw from 100 themes. fandomarts66 66 1 All Draw/make art (digital art included) from 66 themes. fanfic100_de 100 1 All/Multi - German Must be written in Deutsch (German). Write from 100 themes. fanfic100_es 100 1 All/Multi - Spanish Must be written in Español (Spanish). Write from 100 themes. fanwork100 100 1 All/Multi - French Must be written in Français (French). Write/Draw from 100 themes. fated_children 100 1 Final Fantasy VII Write FF8 works from 100 themes. Other challenges also available. femslash50 50 1 All/Multi - Femslash Write femslash from 50 themes. footballslash11 11 1 Football - Slash Write from 11 themes. fruityfic100 100 1 Fruits Basket Write/Draw FB works from 100 themes. goodbye_and_hi 30 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 30 themes with half the works being "goodbyes" and the other half being "hellos". hellsing_drops 100 1 Hellsing Write/Draw Hellsing works from 100 themes. heracleslabours 24 1 Artemis Fowl Write AF works from 24 themes. historslash100 100 1 Pre-1940 - Slash Write slash from fandoms set before 1940 from 100 themes. hoursoftheday 24 1 All/Multi Write from 24 themes, which are hours of the day, no claims. __hpchallenge 100 1 Harry Potter Write HP works from 100 themes, no claims. incest50 50 1 All Write from 50 themes. Claim sibling couples. insert_phrase 50 1 All Write from 50 themes based on phrases and quotes with the phrase in the fic. iog_100 100 1 Illusion of Gaia Write IoG fics from 100 themes. key_blade 100 1 Kingdom Hearts Write/Draw KH works from 100 themes. kingdom100 100 1 Kingdom Hearts Write KH works from 100 themes. lemonaftertaste 45 1 All Write/Draw explicit or subtle smut from 45 themes. Claim couples. licenseartistic 6 1 All Write on at least 1 of the 6 monthly topics. Claim characters. light_at_last 66 1 The Dark is Rising Write/Draw DiS works by choosing a number of the 66 themes. madain_sari 100 1 Final Fantasy IX Write/Draw FF9 works from 100 themes. Other challenges also available. mako_reactor 100 1 Final Fantasy VII Write/Draw FF7 works from 100 themes. Other challenges also available. mount_ordeals 100 1 Final Fantasy IV Write/Draw FF4 works from 100 themes. Other challenges also available. music50 50 1 All Make music to 50 themes, no claims. nascar50 50 1 NASCAR Write NASCAR fic from 50 themes. oc_art100 100 1 All/Multi - Original Draw OC art on 100 themes. one_blanket 1 1 Anime, Manga, Games Write on "the blanket scenario." ot3_100 100 1 All/Multi Write from 100 themes. Claim threesomes. otp20 10 1 All Write/Draw on any non-canon pair from 20 themes (author chooses own 10). _overthefantasy 100 1 Square-Enix games and anime Write from 100 themes, bonus themes available. paranormal25 25 1 All/Multi Write/Draw from 25 paranormal themes. Claim fandoms. philosophy_20 20 1 All/Multi Write from 20 themes of a philosophical nature. popslash_100 100 1 Pop Slash Write pop slash fics from 100 themes. pp69 69 1 All Write from 69 adult themes, no claims. prisonbreak100 100 1 Prison Break Write PB works from 100 themes. psych_30 30 1 All/Multi Write psychological fics from 30 themes. pyre_flies 100 1 Final Fantasy X/X-2 Write/Draw FF X/X-2 works from 100 themes. ravenclaw20 20 1 Harry Potter - Ravenclaws Write Ravenclaw works from 20 themes. rockfic100 100 1 All/Multi Write songfics from 100 themes which are rock songs. shikon100 100 1 Inuyasha Write Inuyasha works from 100 themes (words), no claims. shoujoai100 100 1 Anime/Manga - Yuri Yuri Only. Write shoujo-ai or yuri from 100 themes. slash_100 100 1 All/Multi - Slash Slash Only. Write slash from 100 themes. slash_me_twice 100 1 All/Multi - Slash Slash Only. Write slash from 100 themes. smut_69 69 1 All/Multi No minors. Write smut/romance from 69 themes. solitaire3 12 1 All/Multi Write on 3 of the 12 themes. Claim a character. stagesoflove 5 1 All/Multi Must be at least 18 years old. Write 5 drabbles, one per week, on a couple through different stages of a relationship. stories_100 100 1 All/Multi Write drabbles from 100 themes. sw_mythology 42 1 Star Wars Write/Draw SW works from 42 themes. sylum_challenge 100 1 Sylum Clan Write or make icons from 100 themes stories/icons set in one of many fandoms of the AU Sylum Clan. the_1920s 15 1 All Write on 15 themes based on the 1920s era. the_sandsea 100 1 Final Fantasy XII Write/Draw FF12 works from 100 themes. Other challenges also available. thesentinel100 100 1 The Sentinel Write Sentinel fics on 100 themes, no claims. tos_100 100 1 Tales of Symphonia Write/Draw TOS works from 100 themes. unlimited_sound 5 1 All Write/Draw a songfic/songart from 5 themes posted monthly. No claims. un_love_you 30 1 All/Multi Write from 30 themes with no I-love-yous. varietypack100 100 1 All/Multi Write from 100 themes in various fandoms, no claims. wtf27 27 1 All/Multi Write from 27 themes, crack encouraged not necessarily required. yaoi_sentences 50 1 All - Yaoi Write 50 sentences from the themes, bonus themes available. Claim yaoi couples.
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