Title: Discovering Vampires Fandom: Supernatural Author: my_sam_dean Character/relationship: Sam, Luther, Dean, John, Bobby Theme number: 9 - Old Friends Disclaimer/claimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Summary: Sam is taken by Luther. Will the others rescue him in time?
Title: The Night Fandom: Supernatural Author: my_sam_dean Character/relationship: John, wee!Dean Theme number: 3 - calendar day Disclaimer/claimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Summary: John has a night that lasts forever.
Title: Sam's First Love Fandom: Supernatural Author: my_sam_dean Character/relationship: Sam/ofc, Dean Theme number: 26 - drifting Disclaimer/claimer: I own nothing Superantural Summary: Sam falls for a spirit.
Title: Parting Words Fandom: Smallville Author: svgurl Character/relationship: Lois Lane Theme number: #11 "family" Disclaimer/claimer: all characters belong to the CW/DC Comics Summary: Lois finds out what happened to Chloe.
Title: A Common Goal for Different Reasons Fandom: Supernatural Author: my_sam_dean Character/relationship: Sam, Dean Theme number: 33 - money Disclaimer/claimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Summary: Sam and Dean both feel guilty.
Title: Returning a Favor Fandom: Hogan's Heroes Author: Crystal Rose of Pollux (rose_of_pollux) Character: Louis LeBeau and Peter Newkirk Theme number: 4; House of Mirrors Disclaimer/claimer: The characters aren't mine (except for the OCs), but the story is Summary: Ficlit. Usually, a thief works best alone, but there is always an exception to every rule
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Title: The Nut Behind the Wheel Fandom: Supernatural Author: my_sam_dean Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby Rating: PG Theme Number: 24 - Vitamins Disclaimer: I own nothing Supenatural. Summary: Dean soups up the Impala and takes Sam for a ride.
Title: Alone Fandom: Supernatural Characters: Sam, Dean Rating: R Prompt 5 - waking up to the wind Warning: Dean's deal Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural Summary: Dean wants to get burgers. Sam won't let him leave.
Title: I Hope You Can See Through Me Author: my_sam_dean Characters: Sam, Dean, demon, Bobby, Castiel Rating: R Warnings: violence, torture Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Summary: A demon plans on Sam help to break Dean.
Fandom: Supernatural Title: Sam's Visions Author: my_sam_dean Rating:PG Prompt: 6 - Sick Day Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural. Summary: Sam has a very painful vision.