Title: Frost
Author: Mimic
Characters/Pairings: Clark/Lex
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't play for keeps. DC owns them.
Notes: I was watching Smallville, so that probably influenced it. I still say this is more Birthright-esque, though.
Feedback: I'd love some.
Word Count: 250
They had been out for hours. )
Comments 4
Very nice.
all the way across the frigid, empty sky and to the lip of the horizon.
Oh, gorgeousness.
the other things he might think to say with Lex’s eyes on him.
That's just... shivers up the spine good. :D
folding it into his in a way...
Oh, man. I don't even know how to tell you all the ways this hits my happy kinks. ♥
And the end! Oh, the end. This is just all around loveliness. You write these two beautifully.
:D I think we all have days/fics like that.
Oh, man. I don't even know how to tell you all the ways this hits my happy kinks. ♥
N'awwww. You're doing an excellent job, and making me very happy to have given a shot at writing this.
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