Aug 05, 2009 17:04
i don't usually do this, but my friend EVAN is on so you think you can dance, and its the finale.
IF YOU DO NOT WATCH, or EVEN IF YOU DO, IF YOU CAN SPARE A MINUTE BETWEEN 10 and MIDNIGHT (west coast time), please vote once for him. he is a phenomenal dancer, and its a free call.
if you want to help out, the number is 1.888.836.7603THANKS
Jan 14, 2009 21:19
so, know whats fun?
HIGHS of -25 f.
Sep 12, 2008 12:09
Woman: I work with Sarah Palin's Uncle, and I can't say anything because people around me are like "Oh yeah, she is sooo great!"
Man: Obama totally got outplayed on that VP pick. He's betting on the intelligence of the American electorate. Karl Rove is betting on the stupidity of the American Electorate and that is why they're going to win....shit
Aug 02, 2008 02:18
whose going to lollapolooza for free? thats right, me.
motherfucking rage, gnarls and nin? yeah... thats right.
Jul 20, 2008 12:53
so, um, dark knight?
see it.
Jul 19, 2008 02:42
flashing... lights...
Jun 18, 2008 02:17
whose 21?
i'm 21.