01-43: true blood 44-64: twilight 65-72: adam brody 73-78: robert pattinson 79-84: cobie smulder 85-89: sophia bush 90-90: kristen stewart 91-123: requests [anna paquin, robert pattinson, kristen stewart, shia labeouf, and more!]
im so sorry, i havent updated here in a billion years i made this site a couple years ago and totally lost track of livejournal due to myspace and didnt realize this even still existed.. anyone still active here? comment if you are and maybe we can get it started back up again! sorry the info is so old though.. its all quotes from first season and
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I look forward to seeing what will happen next season after the "Crash" I hope Brooke & Lucas get back together and Nathan&Haley stay happy! I am sure wondering who all is pregnant.
hey, so this wedesday, i had to work and had tivo malfunctions :( and i missed the show... does anyone know where i could possibly find it online to watch??
I liked last night episode. Peyton's "jokes" were not that funny. My favorite part was when Haley walks aways and Nathan calls her up then tells her to walk with him. The funniest part was when Lucas missed the ball on pursose and it hits Chris. I think Brooke and Lucas really need to get together or just move on
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ya ok so oth has deff been amazing.. sorry i havent updated lately.. ive had lots of homework but ive lately been really obsessed with tyler hilton's glad so i thought id just let those of you know who havent heard it that its really good.. anyone else agree?? so Ya i was listening to it and decided to post.. ill talk to yuo all later! ~~Tammy