Welcome to the
206_bones Friending Meme!!
A while back we asked the question of whether we should continue to allow
friending memes. After reviewing your comments, here is the final determination:
Friending memes will no longer be allowed in this community.
However, we are providing you with this lovely
206_bones Friending Meme. We'll update the meme and post reminders occassionally to keep it from becoming entirely stagnant. Of course, if you have suggestions for new questions, leave us a comment
Each time we update the friending meme, we will list the links here:
Issue #2 - August 2010 1) For the purposes of this meme, unaired episode spoilers are off-limits. If it's hit the airwaves, it is fair game in this meme.
2) If you chose to include pictures or gifs in your responses, try to keep the file size (in kb) on the low end. Not going to set a limit there or anything, just don't go gaga with hundreds of 500+kb gifs that crash people's browsers... Also, please do not hotlink images from artists and friends without permission. Reupload and credit, plz.
3) This meme is open to all members of all ages. So leave the smut elsewhere (though if you really have something smutty to share feel free to link it with a warning...)
4) The most important rule: BE RESPECTFUL.
If you have concerns about something here in this post (comments, images, etc.) please go
here to contact a mod to handle the sitatuion.
Now on to the party!
ABOUT YOUWhat should we call you?Age:Location:Height:Hair color:Shoe size:Lefty/righty/other: ABOUT BONESFavorite characters:Favorite episodes:Favorite pairing:"It would be fun if..." pairings:Complete this sentence: "I watch Bones for the _______________."
Is there anything about Bones you don't like?Your favorite Bones eye-candy:Which character would you get along with best in real life?Your most uttered phrase while watching Bones: FRIENDING PREFERENCESOther Fandoms:Other ships:Other shows you watch, but don't follow in fandom:Describe your level of security on your journal:What do you post most frequently?How involved are you in fandom?Complete this sentence: "I participate in fandom for the ____________..."
What do you need more of on your friends list?Anything in fandom that's just not your thing?What do you think about Dakota Fanning?Anything else we should know about you? And finally - Link one thing that you love and would recommend
that's Bones related. Maybe it's a website, a particular picture,
fanfiction, or even just someone awesome on your friends
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