With it being almost fall, that means Bones will be coming back again soon So we thought it would be a good time to renew the
206_bones Community Friending Meme.
Before you go answer this year's questions, we encourage you to go back
to last year, take a look at your answers and the ones people have left since to get all reacquainted.
The rules, just like last year are as follows:
1) For the purposes of this meme, unaired episode spoilers are off-limits. If it's hit the airwaves, it is fair game in this meme.
2) If you include pics, gifs, etc. try to keep the file size (in kb) reasonable. We're not setting an official limit, but no one wants to wait an hour to read a friending meme. Also, please don't hotlink any images. If you don't have a place to upload, you use something like
3) This meme is open to all members of all ages. So leave the smut at home (but if you're just that dirty and must play in the gutter, please just link to it with a warning.)
4) The most important rule: BE RESPECTFUL.
If you have concerns about something here in this post (comments, images, etc.) please go
here to contact a mod to handle the situation.
Finally, just a reminder that we post this because after a vote, we no longer allow friending meme pimping here, so we offer this as an alternative.
Now... On to the questions!
ABOUT YOUWhat do we call you?How old are you?Where are you?How long have you been a member here?What do you spend most of your time doing?What is your primary mode of transportation?What would we most likely find on your head - A shiny halo, a hidden pair of horns, or that spiffy hat Booth wore in Vegas? HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT BONESWhat are your favorite episodes/storylines?Which character on the show would you most like as a BFF? Would you two get along?Do you have a favorite pairing/relationship?You're on the phone with a friend and Bones is just about to start. You say, "I've got to go. It's time for ______________." [You can say anything except 'Bones']
What aspect of Bones really brings you back every week?Is there anything you're not so in love with?Booth does a deep background check on you. What are the first words out of his mouth? BEFORE FRIENDING ME, YOU SHOULD KNOW...Other Fandoms:Other ships: Do you watch anything else, even if you don't really follow the fandom?What's your journal all about? What do you post? Do you filter/f-lock?How involved in various fandoms are you?What do you want more of on your friends list?Do you have any squicks or things that you prefer weren't on your friends list?How do you feel about spoilers?If you add me on LJ, you should probably also add me on _________.Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the dirtiest of them all? Dana Scully, Dakota Fanning, or Patrick Jane? BEFORE YOU GO... I SUPPOSE I SHOULD TELL YOU...Do you have any secret/not-so-secret obsessions?On average, how often do you squee over something?What are your favorite places on the internet?Do you lean left, right, or just take a nap whenever the word 'politics' comes up?Anything else we should know? Secret super powers? Plots for world domination? Repressed desires to become the Next Top Model? Last but not least...
Go to http://images.google.com">google image search. Type in one word to describe how you're feeling right now and one Bones related word. Pick one picture from the first page to share with the class. [New to this? Just click inside the box, select all of the text, paste it into your comment, then answer the questions.]