Title: Belong Here Rating: G Pairing: Mal/Inara Spoilers: None. Word Count: 1100+ Feedback: Yes, please! Summary: We all have bad habits, don't we? AN: alizarin_nyc just didn't know what she was letting loose, when she asked for Mal/Inara.
Oh that was a very nice insight into their relationship. Thanks ever so much for sharing. You've made a very captivating short even though 'technically' nothing really happens. But then again, maybe that's the point. I liked very much. And I secong the motion that you should look into writing something longer.
I don't know how to verbalize this exactly, but let me try.
Good Mal/Inara makes my body tense and my stomach fill with butterflies. Their relationship is so intriguing, beautiful, and impossible. I just love it.
This piece feels so incredibly authentic. Marvelous work.
Thank you! I love the dynamic between Mal & Inara, but I hadn't tried to write anything shippy before. This feels like it had been bubbling on the backburner for a while.
Comments 19
Good Mal/Inara makes my body tense and my stomach fill with butterflies. Their relationship is so intriguing, beautiful, and impossible. I just love it.
This piece feels so incredibly authentic. Marvelous work.
Fantastic job on your first try then. Brava, honey.
Oh, that is just lovely. You've captured them perfectly. :)
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