Oct 15, 2009 18:06
So the doctor says it's the flu. Just regular flu, not swine or bird. That means lots of liquids, rest & chicken soup for the Pumpkin Girl.
Oct 15, 2009 16:51
Wee Kristen is sick again. She's got a 102degree temp. I just picked her up from school and now we're at the doctor. =/
Oct 14, 2009 19:57
What's the deal with all the tour buses lately? I've seen more tour buses in the past than I think I've ever seen in LA.
Oct 13, 2009 19:42
I'm surprised by the number of people running in the rain. I comin' down pretty hard over here. More power to 'em.
Sep 26, 2009 23:25
OMG I just got stung by a bee under my bra! What a perv bee!
Sep 22, 2009 19:02
Was just on the elevator w/ a woman who is 4" taller than me! Bless women taller than me. They make me feel less freakishly tall. =]
Sep 19, 2009 15:32
Mom Update: They moved her to a nursing center last niight because she's not getting up & moving like she should. She's not happy. =/
Sep 16, 2009 18:05
It's nice to get home while the sun is still up. My livingroom gets a lot of light. =) But, now I'm off to the hospital to visit Mum.
Sep 14, 2009 19:16
Mom Update: She's in recovery & we talked to the doctor. It was more complicated than we thought, but everything went well. =)
Sep 14, 2009 16:04
Mom Update: They just took her in to the surgery. Half hour for the surgery; 1-1/2 hours for recovery. Think good thoughts! =)