Migratory Birds by
nekare. Sam, Dean and John Winchester, Jake Tulley, Rogue, John aka Pyro, Bobby, Ororo aka Storm, Jo Harvelle and assorted other characters. Gen, PG-13. Supernatural/X-Men Movieverse crossover. Apocalypse.
Summary: When the end comes, one brother is on one side, and the other on the opposite.
I haven’t seen Barbados by
unreckless. Jess, Dean, OMC, and implied Jess/Sam. Gen, PG.
Summary: So this place where Jess is? It’s not really all that bad. She’s pretty sure it’s more Purgatory than heaven, but that’s okay with her.
House of Burden by Maygin. Dean, Sam, John/Mary, Bobby, Pastor Jim, and various OC's. AU. Gen, PG-13.
Summary: Within its walls lives a family that has never been touched by hate, fire or the Supernatural… but for one. The fire never happened and only Sam grows to realize there’s a darker side to the world around them and to him.
Bored by
fluffyllama. Sam/Dean, and John. PG-13. Teen!chesters.
Summary: Sam's bored, and Dean doesn't stand a chance.
Part Angel, Part Halliwell, All Winchester by
chosenfire28. Piper/Dean, past Piper/Leo, Chris, Phoebe, Sam, and implied Wyatt and Paige. Het, gen. Supernatural/Charmed crossover.
Summary: Phoebe has always been interfering, this time she is focused on two things, rekindling Dean and Piper’s relationship and showing Dean a certain picture Chris has kept hidden.
Piper Winchester verse. This story occurs after
Definitely Not An Angel and before
An Angel With a Shotgun.
Open Mind for a Different View by
insomnia_geek. Sam and smart!Dean. Gen, PG-13.
Summary: Letting Dean loose unattended in a bookstore, while enlightening, can be hazardous to Sam's mental health.
Open Up, Baby by
ianthe_aveira. Sam/Dean. NC-17. Bondage, domination and bottom!Dean.
Summary: The room was frou-frou. That’s the only word for it and Dean hated it. It was bad enough that he and Sam had to pretend to be together for this job, some spirit that was attacking newlyweds at some lame couples-only bed and breakfast, and really that was enough to make Dean feel seven types of weird but this monstrosity of a room was just icing on the fucked up cake. Dean stood just inside the doorway; as far as he dared entering, duffle clenched tightly in one hand as Sam wandered around the flowery bedroom.
Glimpses by occultmagic. Jess/Sam and OC's. Het, PG-13.
Summary: Sometimes Jess Moore thinks she knows all there is to know about her wonderful boyfriend, Sam. But sometimes she sees glimpses of things in his eyes, flashes of a darker past that make her wonder how well she really knows him
Turn It Up To Eleven by
strangevisitor7. Dean, MacGyver, Sam and John. PG. Wee!chesters. Supernatural/MacGyver crossover.
Summary: Sam’s birthday is coming and Dean wants to do something special. He receives some assistance from a stranger with a knack for building interesting inventions. Dean is 13 and Sam is turning 9.
Bobby Singer and the Runaways by
sendal . Bobby, Sam, Dean, John and an OMC. Gen. AU. Wee!chesters with mentions of prior child abuse. John is not a good daddy, but is redeemable.
Summary: An angel sends two little boys to Bobby Singer for safekeeping.