Mar 02, 2006 21:34
my stepbrother just came in and shoved his finger in my ear.
sometimes people are just way too awesome.
Feb 24, 2006 23:57
HILLARY IS GOING TO BE EIGHTEEN IN TWO MINUTES!!!! LEGAL CIGGARETTES AND PORN FOR HER. we love getting crunk with random boys. that are massively sketch. and sleeping on couches at java huts. happy birthday girl.
Feb 08, 2006 16:03
I'm tired of school and the cold. my hands are perpetually freezing. I'm eager for spring. and the beach. and kites. and picnics. and tree climbing. and dandelions. because that is what pretty people enjoy.
Jan 21, 2006 12:27
whatever happened to the lost art of mix tapes?
Jan 08, 2006 09:56
I think we should get those crystal pictures back pronto. cause I want them.
Dec 30, 2005 21:52
so pretty much. in order to become an au pair in amsterdam I need to forge a life of child care. is anyone interested in putting on pampers so I can take pictures with you? the applications require photos 'on the job'. wtf. maybe I'll go to africa and volunteer and get malaria.