3daychallenge EXTENDED EDITION. Like DVDs only with more porn (well, one can hope)! Read on for what this means.
FAQ (Please Read. It has changed a bit since last time!)
A. Because we've had quite a week in fandom and I think miscommunication is the word of the day, don't you?
Q. Is it really International 'What did you say about my mama?' Day!?
A. Yes. Yes it really is. *eyes livejournal*
Q. How does one participate?
A. Any fandom, any pairing and any game of telephone you want.! Comment fic here with your fandom and other pertinent info in the subject line for easy perusal!
NOTE: PLEASE use the subject lines. This is not just for those reading, but for me. As I will be updating the post regularly, sorting through all of the replies takes time and giving it a subject line with your pairing and fandom helps me know when a new story has been posted. Otherwise I simply get a lot of "reply to post" emails. If you check the last challenge, you'll see there's more than 700 replies, many of which came in during the original challenge. As the word spreads to more and more fandoms I hope that count goes up, please make it easier for me to keep track. *Also, with our new expanded media, if it's anything other than the written word, please make note. Thank you for helping out! p.s. If you are in an active canon fandom, please note spoilers in the subject line as well!
Q. Are there any other rules?
A. Other than fandom, as a whole, getting back to what we do best? Having fun. No. Not really. I saw
fandom_counts, I know how many of you are out there. *eyes you*
Q. When?
A. From now till NEXT FRIDAY MORNING ! Yes, yes, more than 3 days. Shut up. More specifically, until I wake up enough to call an end to the challenge next friday. I figure this gives all the time zones plenty of chances. Considering this mod is currently on lots of shiny prescription meds, you might have longer than usual. ;)
Once again: THIS CHALLENGE IS A WEEK LONG. Let's max those comments out baby.
Q. Where?
A. Here please! So this entry can become a big pile of fandom love... Please wait till next Friday to post to your own LJs.
Q. I cannot write or I do not have time but I wish to help, what do I do?
A. Pimp this post! If you're looking for a fandom that hasn't been pimped to specifically, check out
this post which has claimed fandoms/comms from the LAST challenge in the comments (this one was a bit more last minute than most) and a list of suggested fandoms in the post itself.
Q: But oh modly one! I am not a writer and I have pimped this in my journal but I STILL FEEL A NEED TO DISPLAY MY LOVE OF FANDOM AND MY SLIGHT UPSET OF RECENT EVENTS!
A: Funny you should complain, this challenge has expanded, we now accept.anything you might think of as 'creative fannish output'. I know that sounds like a broad term. So I'll clarify. Anything that resembles stories (including ficlets or drabbles), graphics (including photomanips, drawings, icons, etc.) and vids and multimedia. Things of that nature. What we're not looking for are things resembling meta, essays and straight screencaps and video clips. Note to pimpers: Please don't forget to mention this part!
For writers:
Q. So what sort of stories would keep me on topic?
A. I'm not going to restrict you too hard. Seven days to tell stories of miscommunication, misinterpretation, bad cases of telephone gone haywire. We should be pretty well versed in that one by now. *G*
ETA: If ElJay is persistent in not letting you be able to post, comment here if you can, otherwise email my username at LJ and we'll work something out. If enough of you are still having problems, I'll implement a procedure. Won't be tough! *G*
ltlj here (SGA, Lorne, PG13, Part of Retrograde Verse)
Pentapus here (SGA, PG, ART)
bluflamingo here. (SGA/SG1, John/Cam, PG13, Mild spoilers: Return Part 1)
idyanne here. (SGA, John/Rodney, NC-17)
kajikia here. (SGA, AU, gen)
sparklingjadex here. (fall out boy gen)
ssslytheringirl here. (HP, Harry/Dracy, PG13)