1. The smell of freshly fallen rain 2.Wandering in a city I've never been to before, and discovering all of the hidden beauties. 3.finding this wonderful community to add to my friends list... thank you!
1. The buyer has made a firm offer on the house at the price we wanted. It's the beginning of making all of the little house of dreams come true. 2. I have my favorite milk tea to drink right now. 3. Going to Hawaii in less than five days.
- Portabello mushroom hamburgers. - Lunchtime at Cosco: you wander around with one of your two best friends and just eat all the samples. - Speech outline and bibliography done, Powerpoint presentation mostly done, as ready for my Psych midterm as I'm gonna be, and I'm now going to sleep.
- I decorated the post for Halloween last night! Looks pretty spiffy! - Chief has a present for me! - Took pretty pictures of some of the trees. - Lynn's coming home with kidlet!
1. Having sacred memories with a friend. 2. Teaching a 13 year old girl how to play AD&D and watching her eye's light up when she kills her first Goblin. 3. Teaching an 18 year old woman to play AD&D and watching her eye's light up when she kills her first Goblin.