Who: BLU Sniper
bye_to_yer_head and YOU!
Where: Welcome t' Australia mate! And you didn't even have to get up.
Rating: PG at the most. (shockingly)
Summary: BLU may be a miserable alcoholic, but somewhere, locked away in his mind, is something far, far better. The man he used to be.
A taste of life before the bottle... )
Australia again- he pushed the eared hood off his head, landscape striking familiar chords in him immediately. That was a comfort. More reassuring was when he spotted someone he recognized: his rival, carving away while waiting for the fish to bite. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, after all.
Pushing himself off the ground, RED wandered to him. This had to be a dream, he thought- he didn't need his crutches for even a second to walk.
"Ya ain't gonna be workin' for RED forever. It'll actually be better when ya ain't foightin' on a daily basis." Because out on the field, everyone was out to get her. "I don't have any advoice fer ya there, except that ya need to relax."
And there's where he and RED differed. Without BLU the Sniper would just revert back to what he had been doing before: traveling around, hunting, assassinations for money, bringing in wild game. Whether he was doing it freelance on his own or for a company made no difference to him.
"Ya already think yer doing something wrong?"
He pulled at his hood, wishing he had his hat, feeling embarrassed and ashamed and angry at himself all at once for even asking for help, even if this was a weird dream and there was a chance neither of them would remember it. It felt real at that moment, and that was enough to draw that irritability out of him.
"I just don't know," he repeated. "Like I've said before, I don't know what I'm doin'." That was the most honest answer he could give.
"Course you don't got it now. Man this place is messin' with me."
Pulling his glasses off, he rubbed his hand across his face. As serene as the Outback felt at that moment, he couldn't shake the tiredness that came with his thoughts. "Everything's been mucked up since I got here. I'm not used to bein' confined. Not used to havin' someone watchin' me like she does. Someone wantin' to be around me."
He rubbed the back of his neck, speaking quieter as though there were others around who might listen in to what he was about to say. "I'm not used to feelin' that way about someone, myself."
He carved a few more feathers before continuing. "S'not a bad feeling, having someone t' come home to, someone there fer ya."
He wasn't used to that either... but he was getting there.
It had been an annoyance then, but was something he grew to expect- miss, even, on those days where he watched out the window and wondered when she'd be in.
What else was there? "And she cooks. Knows just how I like my coffee." She paid attention to those minute details, committed them to memory.
It was a sign of just how much she cared for him, how well she knew him inside and out. Though there were still secrets between them, things they hadn't expressed or explained, tales they hadn't told one another, she trusted him and he trusted her on a level that went beyond words- it was one that could never be with anyone else, as far as RED was concerned. He wanted all of her, her flaws making her perfect in his eyes.
"Havin' someone make you coffee is one 'f life's little pleasures." BLU smiled, while he didn't quite have that anymore, he did have a coffee machine that did it automatically for him every morning. And that was good enough.
His expression fell, that smile fading almost as quickly as it had appeared. "I don't think either of those things is gonna make it worth it, though. Coffee and cookin'. Not when this ends badly."
"What's she say when ya bring it up?"
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