Title: Mismatched Thread Author: Ekas Fandom: Holitsuba Rating: PG-13 Character(s): Kurogane/Fai Prompt: 5. Together Warnings: Spoilers for the 3rd CD Drama. Notes: I blame CLAMP.
Title: Lost Author: Claudia_Lexan Fandom: Real person fiction Rating: PG-13 Character(s): Jc Chasez, Justin Timberlake Prompt: One Warnings: mpreg and suicide is mentioned Summary: It was just that one moment that made him write a letter to tell Justin. To tell him about there lost child
Title: Leave... Behind Fandom: Tsubasa RESERvoir CHRoNiCLES Rating: PG Character(s): Fay (Kurogane/Fay) Prompt: #4: Write Warnings: Shounen-ai Summary: A wish is finally granted. This is, surprisingly, not a good thing. Notes: Word count 1,700. Infinity did not happen here.