Title: My first kiss (went a little like this) Word Count: 464 Genre: fluff, g, kid!au Description: It's Jongin's first day of school, and he doesn't want his parents to leave.
Title: Lost and Found Word count: 2.4k Genre: Fluff, Parent!AU, SingleDad!Jongin, Baker!Kyungsoo Summary: Jongin lost his son and puppy, and found them in the bakery along with a cute baker.
Title: Laundry Kisses Genre: fluff, (a bit) comedy Word count: 935 Summary: It’s EXO’s time to clean the dorm a.k.a Jongin and Kyungsoo’s alone time at the laundry room.
Title: Hold me tight, we’ll be alright Word count: 3.2k Genre: fluff, romance, comedy Warnings: a bit cursing, mpreg (don’t like don’t read) Summary: Kyungsoo is pregnant and Jongin is too excited and emotional.
Title: I will always be yours (forever and more) Genre: romance, drama, veryslight!angst Word count: 1k Summary: Jongin loves Kyungsoo, through the push and the pull.
Title: Of New Friends and Jealous Husband (Sequel to Of Petty Arguments and First Experiences) Word count: 1.3k Genre: fluff, romance Summary: Taeoh finally had the chance to play with his teacher Baek and Yeollie hyung and someone got jealous.
Title: Of Petty Arguments and First Experiences Genre: fluff, comedy, parent!au Word count: 1.3k Summary: Jongin and Kyungsoo had a small argument, while Taeoh, well let’s just say he’s happy because it’s his first day at school.
Title: Modern Mixtape Genre: fluff, romance Word count: 1.7k Summary: Jongin decides to confess his feelings through a playlist of songs. A/N: This is my first fic and I'm really nervous about this OTL let me know what you guys think through comments!