I wonder why it's called 'meme' but wth, I'm doing this. Thanks
tegophilic for sharing ^_^
1. That you're doing this, we can assume you like NEWS at least some.
> I wouldn't bother if I didn't
2. CAn you name all 4 current members?
> Is this a test? Fine. Ranked by age - Koyama Keiichiro, Masuda Takahisa, Kato Shigeaki, Tegoshi Yuya.
3. What about the 4 not currently around?
> There's Nishikido Ryo --- tsss.. hot.
Yamapi -- who looks too much alike with that Taiwanese superstar, Wu Chun
Then Uchi and Kusano
4. Ninth who left a long time ago?
> Moriuchi Takahiro of One Ok Rock. Darn he had the best singing voice in the group, why'd he have to leave so soon. Tsk.
5. How did you learn about NEWS?
> Through this beautiful creature named Tegoshi Yuya
6. What was your first impression of NEWS?
> I knew Matsujun and Arashi way before NEWS (they're just too damn popular) but when I saw them, I was like "They must be the most good lookin group ever in Japan!" and I wasn't even a fan yet.
7. How did you come to like NEWS?
> I first thought that NEWS had only 4 members because I first saw them in the NEWS Soukon Variety Show. I thought they were really funny and cute and damn good looking. I liked them coz they say the most random things and act like dorks when they're supposed to be Johnny's Idols.
8. What do you think is NEWS strongest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
> I don't even know. We have our own biases and I just can't think of an answer to this question. Lol
9.What do you think is NEWS weakest point when compared to other JE/music/talent groups?
> Well my friend told me once "I don't like NEWS coz they're so boring" I guess they are compared to SMAP, Arashi, Kanjani8 and even HSJ. I don't know why they're not that famous (not at that level to say the least) but then, I don't really care. I only got eyes for NEWS and I would say the same to those other groups that I don't follow -- boring >D
10. Are you listening to them right now?
> Naw. I'm listening to the drops of fallin rain. It's been a while since it rained here in Quezon City, ya know.
Music Related
11. Do you enjoy NEWS' music?
> Uhm.. I do. Of course. They're supposed to be a singing group anyway.
12. What are your 5 favorite NEWS songs?
Baby Be My Baby (I fell inlove with this song without knowing it's theirs)
Full Swing (I love the lyrics and how they say 'furu swingu de')
NEWS Nippon
Forever (because of the English lines!)
Pokoponpekorya (fun fun song)
13. What's your all-time favorite solo song?
> It has to be a tie between Shige's Shalala Tambourine (coz my boyfriend made it as his ringtone, lol. fanboy) and Massu's "Waz fo dinner tonight? I wanna pump!kin!" =))
14. What music genre do you consider NEWS?
> J-Pop
15. What Japanese song would youlove to hear NEWS do a cover of?
> Naruto OSTs. Yes, rock.
16. What non-Japanese song would you love to hear NEWS do a cover of?
> One Direction? That'd be too gay. LOL. No, I can't think of... wait. Simple Plan's "Jet Lag" would be nice. A touch of rock.
17. Do you enjoy songs with all members or smaller groups better?
> You mean NEWS or Tegomass? I love all TM songs coz their harmony is just a-mazing! But NEWS songs have a different touch and meaning so I can't compare them. Both are awesome.
18. Can you sing all the lyrics to one or more of their songs?
> I will. Soon. When I got time.
19. Do you have a favorite song title or lyric? What is it?
> "papipupepo pokoponpekorya" it's a fuckin tongue twister!
Favorite Related
20. Who is your favorite member?
> Tegoshi Yuya
21. Who's your least favorite member?
> I don't have one. The rest are tied at second.
22. Is there a member you could really do without?
> Naw. Every single one of KoyaMassuShigeTego is essential to complete the group and their songs and their appeal and everything about NEWS.
23. Your favorite relationship between members (as friendship or more)?
> This question is vague but I'm taking it as my favorite OTP. I would love to say TegoMass but their relationship appears to be more professional than KoyaShige's whose like the gay-est of all friendships in Johnny's. Seriously, KoyaShige. I like the bond of their friendship. It goes deeper than Tegoshi joking that they actually kissed before. (lol)
24. Who has the best fashion sense?
> I like Shige's clothes all the time. Simple and it suits him well.
25. Who normally has the best hairstyles?
> I think this is too obvious. Tegoshi's been to that middle school-haircut to teenage-booper to permed to brown to platinum blonde. Tell me what's next.
26. Whose singing voice is your favorite?
> Original NEWS members - Moriuchi's
4 nin NEWS - cmon, Tegoshi.
27. Speaking voice?
> What? They all sound weird to me! Haha! But I like the way keii-chan talks so his voice must also be a factor.
28. What's your favorite NEWS group magazine shoot picture?
> Oh man, I have to go over the scans. It has to be their most recent group picture. Tegoshi with the platinum blonde hair, yes.
29. Solo picture?
> It has to be Shige. He's handsome, right? Sometimes his solo pictures makes you want to take off your panties your heart go *doki doki*
30. Favorite shop Photo?
> Oh oh!
THIS. Is this a shop photo? I don't care, I luv it!
31. Favorite CD Cover?
> Uhm.. I'm not really sure what a CD Cover is. (lol) Some fangirl I am.
32. Favorite DVD?
> UtsuCon
Member Related
33. If the members had become teachers, what do you think each would teach?
> Shige - literature, because he loves to read books
Keiichan - history and current events, being the newscaster
Massu - fashion design
Tego - how to become an idol (he's so good at it, that diva)
34. Who seems most likely to show a different side of themselves on Christmas Eve?
> Wut? I think they'll act pretty much the same. I'm hoping Massu, though.
35. If NEWS rangers were created, what colors?
> Like their own member color. Suits each of them well.
36. Please make NEWS into the ideal family.
> Koya is the mama. Shige is the Dad. Massu is the first born and Tego is the evil younger brotha.
37. NEWS is a host club, who would you pick and why?
> Massu coz he'll blurt out the most random things and I will faint to his dorkiness
38. What kind of costume would you like to see them wear at a concert that they haven't already done?
> Just please let them take their clothes off. Except Tegoshi. I keep imagining him as a girl AND you're a perv if you let him take his clothes off.
39. How would you like to be related to NEWS?
> Massu is my boyfriend. KoyaShige should be my brothas. I don't want to be related to Tegoshi at all. Having a friend/family/especially BOYFRIEND like that gorgeous will be such a pain in the ass.
40. Assign an animal to each member.
> Koyama - cat
Shige - monkey. I don't know if it's because of Giu-chan or his.. hair. (lol)
Massu - he's not a pig! he's a fluffy panda ^^
Tegoshi - bunny. coz he can be cute and adorable without putting in too much effort. Just hoppin here and they and wigglin his ears n tail. fuu~
41. Which NEWS member reminds you most of one of your own family member?
> Tegoshi reminds me of my boyfriend! Built (especially the lower torso) and the competitive attitude
42. Who seems most likely to dress up on Halloween and/or do cosplay?
> Ehh.. this is too obvious. I want Massu to do that.
43. Who do you think you could pass by on the street without noticing?
> Shige. He's so simple I like it.
44.Who do you think has pulled the most all nighters?
> What's an all nighter again? I'm thinkin napkins. (lol)
45. Which member would you want as a boss and why?
> Keiichan. Nobody else.
46. Who would it be most awkward to catch in the erotic section of a video rental store?
> I LOL-ed. Massu!!
Drama/TV Related
47. Do you watch the dramas containing NEWS members?
> You bet I do. I know more about their dramas than their songs, actually.
48. Do you watch dramas that DON'T contain NEWS members?
> Yes of course. Who doesn't?
49. have you seen all th dramas they've stared in?
> I haven't watched any of Shige's dramas. Yet.
50. What was the first Tegoshi drama you saw?
> Please, it's a movie. Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac. Everything started with Hasegawa Mirai.
51. Do you wait for subtitles to watch a drama with NEWS members?
> I have to coz I don't speak Japanese
52. Excluding Tegoshi, which member of NEWS do you think has the best acting?
> Why would you exclude Tegoshi?? You biased.
53. Excluding Tegoshi, who's acting do you enjoy the most?
> You excluded him again! I refuse to answer :P
54. Is there a story you'd like to see made into a drama with one or more NEWS member?
> I'm sorry people I could only think of NARUTO. The new episode's about to be released later today. Come to think of it, those would be challenging roles for them, yeah?
55. Is there a certain type of role you'd like to see one of them play?
> Heavy drama or action
56. Do you watch Shounen Club?
> I've seen some
57. Is your main reason for watching Shounen Club NEWS as guests or Koyama as a host?
> NEWS as guests
58. Have you seen Yamapi and/or Tegoshi's episodes in Shounen Club Premium?
> I've seen NEWS'
59. Have you seen any other Shounen Club Premium episodes?
> Yah, HSJ's with Tegomass trolling them
60. Did you regularly watch Ya-ya-yah!'s TV show?
> I wasn't a fan yet when the show aired
61. Have you watched many/most of the older episodes?
> Some
62. Did you try watching Say!Hey!Say! to see Koyama as host?
> Say!Hey!Say! wut?
63. Do you regularly watch Japanese music shows (such as Music station or HeyHeyHey) or just when NEWS is featured?
> NEWS or Tegomass only
Fandom Related
64. Do you scan magazines?
> Let me buy magazines first
65. Do you write fanfiction?
> No
66. Do you read fanfiction?
> No
67. Do you draw fanart?
> Oh please, we're on the same level, Tegoshi and I
68. Do you enjoy fanart?
> Only if they're really good
69. Do you make image manipulations?
> Photoshop? Sure
70. Do you talk too much about NEWS?
> Only with my boyfriend. Most of my friends are Arashi-biased.
71. Do you download pretty much everything that comes out?
> The non-stream vids/dramas/shows
72. Do you upload for others?
> Naw. There are very loyal and very passionate NEWS fans who do that and they have my biggest THANKS
73. Do you make music/ fan made videos?
> I will try making one
74. Do you watch fanmade music/fan videos?
> Yeah. I have this
75. Do you watch fancams?
> Are there fancams??
76. Do you do translations?
> Hah! I wish!
77. Do you read translations?
> Absolutely!
pumpkinsh for the TM no Radio translations and
spilledmilk25 for the mag trans
78. Do you follow their Jwebs?
> I would if they're written in English
79. Do you follow the rest of JE, or at least some of it?
> NO. I have some individual biases though.
80. Do you follow other Japanese musical groups?
81. Have you converted other people into NEWS fans?
> That's not my thing. They'll like NEWS when they see it, just like what happened to me.
Merchandise Related
83. Do you own any NEWS CDs?
> No
84. Do you own any DVDs?
> No
85. Do you own any magazines?
> Okay, I'm not answering this part
86. Do you own any concert goods?
> Stop.
87. Do you own any shop photos?
> I download and I can print them if I wanted to
88. Have any posters on your wall?
> Blah
89. Any other special/not-above-mentioned items?
> I hate you.
Final Part is Always Hardest
90. If you could have any NEWS item given to you magically as a gift, what would it be?
> concert shirt alright!
91. So, Are Uchi, Kusano, Pi and Ryo coming back?
> Leave NEWS alone. They're best at 4.
92. Do you want them back, why or why not?
> No. Just because.
93. NEWS members having girlfriends-- how do you feel?
> Hahahaha! D<~
/jk. Of course I'd be happy. Only if the girls are prettier than Tego.
94. If you could meet and chat with just one of the members once in your life, who?
> Tegoshi! He's my fuckin diva
95. Can you write the kanji for all member names?
> Nah. I can write my name though.
96. What do you think of Ryo being in both Kanjani8 and NEWS?
> He made a good choice to stick to Eito.
97. NEWS loses another member. Who is it, and why?
> Are you fuckin kiddin me?
98. Do you use the word "tabai"?
> I'll use it now. Tabai!
99. After this, one more question. You have to bring back one of the 5 lost members to NEWS-- who is it?
> I won't.
100. ...wasn't this meme annoying?
> Meh~