disclaimer: OKAMI GAME SPOILERS LURK WITHIN. Also, unless otherwise noted, any and all future RP-plot musings listed here have not been approved by relevant parties and remain mere musings by the mun~
Yami - Papafish~ Ninetails reveres Yami and would do anything for him. Anything. He is the only one she would ever submit to or, more importantly, care for. She made her choice long ago to follow and obey him and she will continue to do so until her end - not the end of her tangible form, but the end of her very spirit.
Orochi/Blight/Crimson Helm/Geisha Spider/Lechku/Nechku - She tolerates them because, oh fine, they're her comrades in darkness and part of the ~*~family~*~ But she still thinks that SHE'S the smartest, most loyal, most vicious, etc. 8) She doesn't interfere with their business, neither to help or to hinder.
Amaterasu - HATES THAT BITCH. Seriously, Ninetails has despised Amaterasu even before the sun goddess kicked her ass twice for Amaterasu is the mother of all creatures of light and thus forever at odds with Yami's brood, which includes Ninetails. Ninetails cannot accept that Amaterasu's existence is needed to maintain the cosmic balance and has tried to murder her several times.
13 Brushgods - So very, very, very contemptuous of them. To Ninetails, all of them are petty and paltry, the stuff of fairytales.
Queen Himiko - Took great pride and pleasure in turning Sei'An against her before killing her, totally unaware that doing so put her head right in Himiko's trap.
Priestess Rao - It was so awesome to kill this woman and pretend to be her.
Issun - Moronic little bug of no consequence.
Coquelicot - One of the real reasons that Ninetails has made "buddies" with Coquelicot is because she figures it might be useful to have someone so untried and untested support her. Ninetails knows well enough that children are a great way to get out of trouble or to force someone to obey. What righteous, honorable hero's gonna press home accusations if the guilty party is being defended by a sweet little girl? She's so cute and innocent and surely smart enough to not associate with any truly bad people. On the other hand, what hero would let such a good kid get torn to pieces because her torturer's demands weren't met? Kyohoho~
As of
this thread, Ninetails believes herself successful in forging the beginnings of a twofaced bond with Co-chan.
no she's not. Medicine Melancholy - The fact that Medicine wants to kill humans and can make poisons "endears" her to Ninetails, who will try to cultivate a closer relationship in hopes of eventually making a puppet out of the doll. (No pun intended.) Perhaps offer to aid Medicine in
the "strike against the humans" she mentioned...although most likely in such a way that Ninetails could escape blame if anything went wrong, such as acting as if she was secretly trying to stop Medicine all along. WORST ALLY EVER.
Mogget - Ninetails is pretty contemptuous of this guy for his
refusal to take sides, but finds it amusing to poke and prod at him. She half-hopes that baiting him might loosen his tongue, since she suspects he has many interesting things to say.
Fate Testarossa - Nothing much to say about Fate so far, other than the usual "UGH STUPID HUMAN". She was a bit wary of her at first but by now, given Fate's relatively demure demeanor the few times they've interacted, Ninetails has mostly written her off as just another soft-hearted idiot.
Mostly an idiot, though, who has
a really stupid weakness.