Title: Commencement Pairing: Conan/Liza AU Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1,583 Author's Notes: Another "alternate universe" fanfic but set "today", and my first since May 30th/June 1st (remember " Home"?). Sad to say, my writing style has "devolved" and this is nothing like that. I've had the initial idea rolling around a long time, but I decided to
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Title: You Look Good In My Shirt Author: domino43 Pairing: Cobbler (Conan/Jeff Goldblum) Rating: NC-17 Summary: Conan wears Jeff's shirt. Disclaimer: If you don't like slash, don't read. I don't own Conan or JBlum. Also, the ending kind of blows because I couldn't find a natural end.
That comment that was made the other day about there needing to be Cowboy!Conan smut has inspired me. But I need pics of Conan as a cowboy. I have 5, but I know there have to be more.
Sixteen hours ago, one of Conan O'Brien's writers Tweeted that they received a dispatch saying their Emmy category would not be shown during NBC's primetime telecast
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