Aug 01, 2004 21:49
badcheshire is the winner.
my number was 47.
Aug 01, 2004 16:26
three participations in my last post saddened me.
so here's a lame one.
what number am I thinking of, 1-100?
I'll really think of one too.
Jul 28, 2004 21:52
draw me a picture in mspaint and put it in a comment.
write me a poem.
Jul 25, 2004 17:50
what's your favorite book?
and why should I read it (if I haven't)?
Jul 22, 2004 21:01
what makes you uncomfortable?
Jul 19, 2004 13:24
your turn.
ask me a question.
Jul 19, 2004 13:22
I've got mine.
what is your obsession?
I want everyone to comment.
you will be given a grade. sort of. not really.
Jul 17, 2004 22:15
I really didn't care for that last question.
What is the best feeling (texture, touch)?
Jul 16, 2004 14:09
what would you do if:
1. you were in the jungle. everyone was in the jungle. there were no buildings, no order, no civilization?
2. aliens invited you for abduction, not to test you and probe you, but to drink tea with you on their planet?
3. you were God?
Jul 11, 2004 19:24
tell me something I don't know.