Jan 27, 2008 18:52
emovinyl: haha what?
Lia Cecaci: ..?
emovinyl: liakick get it (12:36:17 AM): Fuck you!!!!
Lia Cecaci: Drunk.
Nov 26, 2007 20:17
Viva La Mexico, ay yiyiyiyiyiyiyi.
Nov 07, 2007 12:56
My life has been reduced to my bedroom and empty bed.
I never work & get paid for it so why do I feel like I need a new job.
Being so bored is getting to me. I cried today just because I was so bored, literally bored to fucking tears. Everything is what it is, now - and nothing more. I just need to breathe, I guess.
Oct 29, 2007 18:16
So I'm at disneyworld, and we went to magic kingdom today and I guess its only raining in california and2 florida. So it wasn't bad, the weather and all until we got onto thunder mountain railroad. For anyone who knows how badass that ride is, imagine that ride in helllllllla reallly pouring hard rain. Best ride of my life.
Oct 24, 2007 21:36
I am in Florida until November 1st.
People are allowed to smoke wherever the fuck they want and its nasty.