Feb 22, 2011 11:32
I'm lonely on Twitter, if by some reason you have one and I haven't added you yet...look me up.
Apr 04, 2010 11:31
Happy Easter everyone. Don't eat too much candy. Or too many bunnies.
Apr 28, 2009 21:53
I made a small friends cut. I'm just kind of paranoid at the moment. Feel free to contact me if you think I was a douche and cut you for no reason.
Mar 20, 2007 22:50
The sad thing is that I think this actually really jams.....
Feb 10, 2007 14:59
I gave my two weeks at "work" last Wednesday (looooooong story). I hope to be back here a little more often pretty soon. I miss the eljay.
Okay, I never thought I would say that in my entire life.
Jan 08, 2007 14:19
I miss all of you lovely LJ darlings. But I'm just not vibing being online a lot lately. I find myself frequenting Myspace a little more than anything else (which is not much) you can find me at "ilovenaptime" if there's anything pressing that needs to reach me.
Hugs and smooches.
Mar 26, 2006 15:04
I am so sorry to have been such a flake responding to comments about MM....I actually forgot the password to the community because I am very smart.
At any rate, I have some - so if you would like to order or know someone who would, let me know.