the hurricane came; but only the end & it blew the windows open & flooded the floors & we stood on our desks & wondered what was next & we tapped our pencils on our ancient books & stared at the clocks waiting for the hands to move our desks will be our boats & our books will be our life vests. we are in this for the long haul.
& you're hidden in between the lines of every cliché love song. & you're hidden in the digits of the clock & your secrets are inside of desk drawers & i take them out whenever you're gone.
today i cleaned some of my house. i love waking up with my windows open & being chilly & putting on a sweater & making tea. i love when no one is home & i open the paper & i pretend that i am 20-something living alone in an apartment in boston. i know if i live alone i'll be lonely all the time. so i don't know why i hope for it someday.
it smelt like you at the video store last night & she thought i was crazy & that i wouldn't remember the smell. _------------___-_---__-__-_____---- sometimes people lie. with every ounce of their body. every cell in their blood. liars have blood made of bile. acid.acid.acid.
i think it's charming how you still love her with all your heart & how you let it tear you up inside. & how she ruined you more than one time with her words & her lies & her songs & her sighs. & that you were the same way with me once. & that i was the same as her once. i find it respectable. or her side & your side. fornoreasonatall.