if he ain't got the luscious nipples, i don't want him. if he ain't got the dollahz, i don't want him. and if he ain't got the time to make me a home-cooked meal!!!!!!!
i need some lovin', real bad. i think it's time to dye my hair again, the roots are starting to grow out. maybe i'll post some pictures later, but that would require me to:
(1) not be lazy (2) actually have a digital camera.
so i got some photos developed at costco and they are totally bumming me out since half didn't turn out, and the other half reminded me of better times.
so this is it. i have a new livejournal because people suck. ive vowed nver to let people from school read this (except for a few) and its friends only of course. if i added you, i probably found you intrigueing, something on your lj interested me, or something like that. i might of found you through some lj interest search or from someone else's
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