Nov 25, 2007 05:50
crazy few months.
working like 50 hours a week to keep the flat and due to this seeing NO-ONE.
feel so cut off from everyone i used to be close to... :(
sucks bad i just dunno anymore
Sep 17, 2007 14:10
at last!
i have days off :)
getting very drunk - in my jammies on saturday XD
bloody gid.
Sep 11, 2007 14:52
fourteen hour shifts?
no braw.
seriously never been so tired in my life.
May 29, 2007 14:11
broken my shoulderblade, back, arm, neck area.
well not 'broken' just ripped/strained badly.
i can hardly move my arm.
CANNOT sleep and yea :|
May 07, 2007 20:53
So. I am the bridget jones of falkirk.
May 05, 2007 16:33
Today was surreal.
It's just not really sunk in, want to cry, but as cheesey as it sounds, am scared i won't stop.
Apr 24, 2007 09:47
forgot just how gid hanging out with zara && beattie is :)
had a well gid saturday, and discovered the joy of wii <3
Mar 28, 2007 15:19
one of my lectures, paul, is sending me to get properly tested for dyslexia.
fun day.
well a day, where i wish more than anything i was a small burrowing animal so i could just hide.
i had a VERY large amount of vodka.
Mar 19, 2007 13:35
everything just got ontop of me today to the point that i had to run away from jane when she said hi because i burst into tears.