Aug 09, 2005 23:48
I will be updating this livejournal every so often, Buttttt, if you want you can go to my new LJ WOAH____MEGAN, it's friends only so request to be added, I will update that one a lot more often. :) Kkkkkaaaaaaaay?!!?
Jul 14, 2005 21:39
1. A secret.
2. A compliment.
3. A non-compliment.
4. A song that reminds you of me.
5. How long we've known each other.
&& I will guess who you are.
Apr 01, 2005 15:48
I've made a friends cut, so i can actually talk about stuff in this live journal. People are so dumb, i don't even know where to begin to explain how ratty people are. The End.
Feb 16, 2005 22:03
i decided not to cut any of you. kthx.