Aug 16, 2006 13:41
i'm falling for someone.
Aug 05, 2006 03:22
i'm not gonna sleep tonight.
i'm sad now, because of all the music i just listened to.
and i'm alone, since no one is online or anything.
i think i'm gonna go try and have a cigarette.
i want one.
Jul 31, 2006 21:35
i woke up at 7.
picked up josh.
at 8, we were making mojitos in my car while i drove around.
those are pretty good.
hasn't set so well with my stomach..
everything in it feels liquid.
i've come up with a solution.
no drinking tomorrow.
no liquor, anyway.
Jul 23, 2006 20:30
i like you, a lot.
i do, i do!
and you said you were crushing on me..
but i think that's gone now.
i just wanted you to know that it's all still here.
Jul 16, 2006 22:53
but you are different.
Jun 21, 2006 21:38
i've got lots on my mind.
it's like...
the first time in a while.
where i feel like my brain is on overload.
and i can almost guarantee that i'll be in tears tomorrow.
Jun 10, 2006 22:37
my girlfriend.
makes me.
very, very happy.
i had forgotten how fun being a couple could be.
May 22, 2006 20:50
let's go to prom next year.
May 21, 2006 15:41
i've smoked 3 blunts today.
May 20, 2006 20:24
i have my car this week.
no 3rd period, like.. ever again.
i'm buying an 8th of chronicccc monday.
and and anddd...
i have a girlfriend.