Sep 19, 2007 21:20
I went to my college counselor at school and I am for sure going to get into Cal-State Long Beach. I found out that my GPA was higher than I thought , so I'm gunna apply to so UC's even though I probably won't get in because I'm not ethnic.
I have so much school work that it's not even funny. I barely leave the house.
Aug 21, 2007 09:38
i've been writing essays since 2 in the morning.
i have literally rewritten an essay 6 times. i'm not even sure if these essays are going to be graded. gaaaaah.
Aug 05, 2007 15:51
Jul 01, 2007 11:48
I got out of the hospital yesterday!! I am like a 5 year old because my mom has to do everything for me, but its okay. Oh and I lost 6 pounds so I look kindof scary.
Jun 24, 2007 12:14
Visit me!
May 24, 2007 11:55
my surgery was orignially on the 18th but it got pushed back to the 25th. 11 DAY SUMMER!