I would like everyone to go down this list and pick the one from each pair that you think describes me the best. Then copy this and post it in your own journal to see how your friends view you.dominant or submissive
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God I haven't posted in millions of years. But yeah. Since it's winter break, I'll make an exception. Like I said, expect posts only during breaks and over the summer. Like this. :) Anyway, here's a meme. I'm just bored and surfing the web. Anxious for tomorrow. A good anxious though. :D
I'm switching back and forth between __defunct and __aholic now. Mostly __defunct. But it's public, not private, and I won't check on friends entries. Strictly online-, graphic-, Heath-related, and the like. This may sound cruel, but with school, I can't really manage my time well enough to view people's entries and update my own journal. So until
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New layout. Uh, I have another journal, __aholic. But it's FO. So don't count on being added. Now this journal is going to be public. For graphic and icon making and just--yeah. :)
Sorry to everyone out there who might have wanted to read the thoughts of a lunatic *briefly pets kitten* and Heath Ledger obsessor, but this journal is going to be friends only. Comment with a good reason if you want to be added. But all my RL friends who have LJs are already on my flist. ^^
Hey, everyone! :D In case anyone was wondering, yes, I am the one and only metallictiger, alasirith, snugglehamster, Korongah, Rattail, or however you might know me on livejournal, Furcadia, or even Neopets or AIM
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