I think it is time to accept the fact that I may never sleep again. Maybe I'll get some breakfast and take a long long walk, screw work, its all I ever do, I wish I could walk away from that, its like the song says
And it's so hard to do and so easy to say. But sometimes - sometimes, you just have to walk away.
I woke up this mourning thinking "...maybe I died, I shouldn’t be up, not after last night..." 500am, what the FXCK, how am I up, awake, moving. Strange
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I AM so so sorry, so low-level programmed. Where did we go? G-D, I wish I could change time. Time the pain time the end time was broken. I just keep sinking. I am destined to this pain, please, feed me more, and feed me more. Please, be happy, beloved. I am in and always will be... With you.