Ok, I just need to rant about this. I'm getting really sick of Kohls and their commercials that state thats its no problem if you dont have your receipt. What if it's from 2008 and has no tag and no UPC????? It is a problem then. I'm so sick of getting customers who have things from 5 years ago and want to return it with no tag or anything. Does
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I know that kohls gives discounts if you have verizon or sprint, but what about AT&T? Does anybody have At&T and get a discount on your bill for working at kohls? If so, how much?
I've told a lot of Kohl's horror stories here before, but never before have I had to deal with somebody who was just utterly and completely nuts. I've called people crazy before, but never, ever anything like this
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We recently got this new handheld vacuum cleaner for maintenance to use. One of the guys said it reminded him of the machines from Ghost Busters and upon coming across a sticker put the Ghost Busters sticker on there
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There's a coupon floating around now that got mailed out to people with Discover cards for use at Kohl's....and I just find that INCREDIBLY strange, given how much they shove Kohl's cards down people's throats.
Tonight at work I had this really crazy customer. He had no receipt at all. He wanted to return this blazer and since he had no receipt you need a license number. Anyway, I put that in and it says corporate refund. He starts yelling and calling me an idiot to which my manager then tells him not to call me an idiot. He calls her an idiot. And
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Yesterday I had a Sunday a rare occurance. I enjoyed it by going to see my Grandma and Aunt. They were asking how work was and I told them pretty good. I really love my store I have a great bunch of co workers that make it fun plus awesome management. So I told my Grandma we open at 7 during Decemeber she turns around and says " Who the hell shops
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Today our 02 was telling me that Kohl's switched their radio over to a new company or something, and they're getting a new playlist of songs. Did anyone notice that now they're actually playing some halfway decent, not to mention recent stuff? It's about time!