argh, im sorry about your uncle. domestic violence really angers me. whoo, sounds like youve had a fun few days. i really think i should go into some sort of music therapy, for my love of busted and mcfly. i KNOW theyre crap, i just cant seem to shake it off. help me!! hee. xx
heyy this is ____bonifide rarity from tod. my name now is ___playing for keeps but we used to note each other on there before you left to come here. <333333
Comments 6
to much work. >.
i have some pretty insane family members, as well.
domestic violence is so sad.
i just realized that i love reading your journal because i always read it inside my head with an english accent. haha :)
really angers me. whoo, sounds like youve had a fun few days.
i really think i should go into some sort of music therapy,
for my love of busted and mcfly. i KNOW theyre crap, i just
cant seem to shake it off. help me!! hee. xx
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