Einstein, by Walter Isaacson; Women in Love, by D. H. Lawrence; Confessions, by Rousseau; Boomsday, by Christopher Buckley (author of Thank You for Smoking); The Divine Comedy, by Dante; Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut; and anything by Bukowski.
i wish california weren't in the United States. i saw it tonight, and i realized that i missed it. clean, dry, and stucco. proper, nouveau, et cetera. belle chic belle. ( $$$$$$$$ )
plymouth was romantic today. and it wasn't lonely to drive alone. it was actually quite nice, and the experience reminded me of the joy i used to receive (regardless of the weather) while driving. and then jewel came on the radio, and i used to cringe at the sound of her voice, and mock her emotional lyrics. but, this time, i found it to be a very
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i've my first detention tomorrow! extended, actually! i was finally caught. i wish mrs. callahan would have just shackled me and whipped my indifference into nonexistence.
my mom tried to be motherly about the situation, but we just started laughing. "don't get caught next time," was her final conclusion. k ma.
do be careful, because once the alcohol drains from you, all of what you thought was dead will awaken with a revitalized intensity. and it stings like sweat running into your eyes.